Complete a 700-800 word critique of a business article on anarea of your interest (marketing, tourism, HR, etc.) from a refereed journal. Attach an electronic copy of the article, and include a cover

Academic Journal Criticism

_ some simple ways to judge an article

_ titles, abstract, table of contents tells us about relevancy

_ the number of citations may tell us something about usefulness and


_ the impact factor of the journal may tell us about the quality of the


_ they may help us to discern obvious problems with an article

_ some questions we may ask about an specific article:

_ is the main research question or problem statement presented in a

clear and analytical way?

_ is the relevance of the research question made transparent?

_ does this study build directly upon previous research?

_ will the study make a contribution to the field?

_ is there a theory that guides the research?

Academic Journal Criticism

_ questions...

_ is the theory described relevant and is it explained in an

understandable, structured, and convincing manner?

_ are the methods used in the study explained in a clear manner?

_ is the choice of certain methods motivated in a convincing way?

_ is the sample appropriate?

_ are the research design and/or the questionnaire appropriate for this


_ are the measures of the variables valid and reliable?

_ has the author used the appropriate quantitative and/or qualitative


_ do the conclusions result from the findings of the study?

_ do the conclusions give a clear answer to the main research question?

_ has the author considered the limitations of the study?

_ has the author presented the limitations in the article?