The topic i wrote on  week2 is in the attachmentSynthesizing and WritingDue Week 4 and worth 100 pointsWhen looking for information about a particular issue, how often do you try to resist biases t

The topic that I have chosen to write about was, Vaccine requirements for kids.

  1. Vaccines can cause serious and sometimes fatal side effects.

-Whats interesting about the opposing view is they believe that the vaccine is preventable, take measles for example, they give us the shot , but this sickness haven’t been spotted heavily in years even in countries that don’t give the shots, so it cant be the shots that are preventing it.

-If you believed the pro view you would notice that last year many people died of the FLU, the common factor was that these people took the flu shot.

-Under pro they would have to show me how it is actually more beneficial not just numbers of kids that took and are healthy.

  1. Government should not intervene in personal health choices.

-Whats interesting on this opposing side is the same companies saying it is safe is the same companies that are telling us that our foods are safe even though they have business arrangements with some of the companies to push a product even with facts showing its not good for our body.

-You should notice that America is leading in deaths of cancer and other health related diseases and cant explain where it is coming from.

-This may be considered true if the government cared about our health provide health care to us instead of making a business out of it.

-Under the condition of the US health care treated our underlying health issues instead of a symptom I would take this into consideration.

  1. Vaccines are unnatural and natural immunity shows to be healthier

The pro listed against my Con doesn’t even speak on the topic of which is more effective, they talk about money and parents saving it.