Role of the School Counselor in Crisis ManagementA school counselor in training must understand the roles and responsibilities school counselors and internal and external stakeholders hold as members


Role of the School Counselor in Crisis Management

First name Last name

Capella University

COUN 5338 – Crisis Intervention & Emergency Management

Professor: Dr. Erin Berry

Month, Year

Start your introduction here. APA 6th edition does not use a heading title for the introduction because its position in the paper identifies it as the introduction. Open your paper with a foreword to set up your paper. One or two paragraphs are sufficient. You will identify the purpose of the paper and what will be presented. Remember that papers do not “do” anything so you want to state “In this paper…..or The purpose of this paper is to……” rather that “This paper will”.

The School Counselor and Key Responders

You want to provide an analysis of the roles and responsibilities of both the school counselor and key responders during crisis prevention, intervention, trauma-informed care and crisis management. Clearly articulate the differences in the response or roles during an intervention. Be certain you support your analysis with the literature. Follow all APA writing guidelines unless otherwise specifically stated.

Internal and External Stakeholders

It is important to keep in mind that writing ability is part of the evaluation in this paper. Be careful to utilize critical thinking skills and support your analysis with evidence when it is appropriate. In this section, you demonstrate your understanding of how a school counselor collaborates with both internal and external stakeholders in crisis intervention, prevention, and management. Follow APA guidelines in your writing and be sure you support your analysis with evidence from the literature.

Individual Skill Analysis

In this section, you may use first person in your writing. You are to clearly articulate three areas you believe are strengths. Then identify three areas in which you need additional professional development for continued growth. You also want to specifically identify strategies you will use for continued professional development.


American Counseling Association (2013). Membership. Retrieved from,

American School Counselor Association (2012). State certification requirements.

Retrieved from,

Erford, B. T. (2011). Transforming the school counseling profession. Upper

Remley, T.P., & Herlihy, B. (2014). Ethical, legal, and professional issues in counseling. Upper

Saddle River, NJ: Pearson

** These are provided only as an example of how to set up a reference page.