Need Assistance. Two discussion question and four replies after the discussion question get posted. Need questions by Thursday January 24, 2019 1700 or 5PM EST.


Kerrian Rawlings


With the vision to increase local business competitiveness, increase job creation, and create a stronger; South Carolina has implemented the program named Business in Motion. Business in Motion is a successful business retention and expansion program in Columbia, SC. The goal of this program is to conduct proactive outreach visits to local businesses to ensure that they have the proper resources and services necessary to maintain steady growth. Business in Motion is in partnership with the Greater Columbia Chamber of Commerce. “Providing efficient, effective, and timely service to local businesses is what Business in Motion is all about,” ( The outreach efforts of the program build stronger relationships with local businesses and strengthen networks for communicating and exchanging ideas. Business in Motion gives staff members the opportunity to engage with Columbia's business leaders and discuss the issues that are impacting local companies, which allows leaders to determine what the barriers to growth are and possibly help develop and implement solutions to problems. The goals of Business in Motion include:

  • provide existing businesses with support;

  • address urgent concerns;

  • improve business-to-community communications;

  • help retain local business;

  • and build stronger business relationships in Columbia.

The objectives listed for the Business in Motion program of Columbia, SC favor the Chapter two objectives listed in the Blakely and Leigh (2017). Both stress the importance of business retention and expansion in local economies. Both also encourage participation from business leaders and others in the community to strengthen the competitive position of local businesses. “Specific objectives of regional and local economic development should include the following:

  • Strengthening the competitive position of regions and localities within regions by developing otherwise underutilized human and natural resource potential;

  • Realizing opportunities for indigenous economic growth by recognizing the opportunities available for locally produced products and services;

  • Improving employment levels and long-term career options for residents;

  • Increasing the participation of disadvantaged and minority groups in the local economy;

  • Improving the physical environment as a necessary component of improving the climate for business development and of enhancing the quality of life of residents,” (Blakely & Leigh, 2017).

From a Biblical worldview community economic development begins with community engagement and partnership; making Business in Motion a positive influence both economically and spiritually. Business in Motion and Columbia, SC allows leaders in business to engage with businessowners and share their wisdom and provide assistance to allow businesses to prosper. With the proper support, resources, and leadership cities such as Columbia, SC will continue growing their economies and improving their communities. Hebrews 10:24-25, English Standard Version, (ESV), states:

“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.

In all, the idea of a covenant relationship formed to enhance community economic development has strong core Christian values. Engaging with likeminded individuals that want to impact their communities in a positive way is a attribute of Business in Motion that proves that communication is a necessary function to drive community economic development. Leaders discussing the needs of a business including its resources while providing a helping hand to businessowners creates a stronger bond between local businesses and encourages participation; another vital part of local economic development. Business expansion and retention requires more than one partnership to implement, which is why programs such as Business in Motion have succeeded.


Blakely, E. J., & Leigh, N. G. (2017). Planning local economic development theory and practice.

Retrieved January 25, 2019, from

(n.d.). Retrieved from


Melani Albritton

Forum 1


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The Housing and Community Development Division for the City of Jacksonville manages initiatives to assist with the rehabilitation of housing for those who have low or moderate income through public and private partnerships. These efforts bring about community development and resident involvement in neighborhoods.


This community development initiative allows this division to fund the rehabilitation of homes in the urban core. The City of Jacksonville will sub-contract non-profit community development agencies to complete the work that needs to be done. This would include, roof replacements, weatherization of windows & doors, replacing older appliances with energy efficient ones, and making homes accessible for the disabled or seniors.


The ultimate goal of this initiative will bring about results that will be:


            a. Revitalizing Neighborhoods

Repairing windows, doors, and roofs of homes will add value to the home as well as to the neighborhood. The homes will be given a face-lift, which will allow for the neighborhood to look better as a whole.


 b. Provide Job Opportunities

This division will sub-contract non-profit community development agencies to complete the work needed on the homes. This will provide funding to these agencies and possibly create new jobs.


 This division plans to create 3 positions to manage this program. Those positions will include, a general contractor, program manager, and an administrative assistant, that will be held for 1 year.


c. Decrease Crime Rate

Blight areas are prone to have high crime rates. Revitalizing the neighborhood will provide a cost-effective option to indirectly reduce crime by creating a safer space that the residents will be proud of.    


According to Leigh and Blakley, “local development is achieved when a community’s standard of living can be preserved and increased through a process of human and physical development that is based on principles of equity and sustainability”. The housing and community development project in Jacksonville can sustain its standard of living by providing quality housing and the resources to revitalize the neighborhoods. In turn, a better-looking neighborhood could attract small businesses to the area to increase the community’s growth and development. 


Public, Private, and Non-Profit Linkages


In order to make this project a reality, there were contributions from the public, private, and non-profit sectors. From the public sector, the City of Jacksonville developed this initiative and provided the funding in order to complete the project. City leaders wanted to revitalize these blighted neighborhoods and included this economic initiative into their budget.


From the private sector, many organizations agreed to complete the construction and rehabilitation of these homes and neighborhoods. The budget set for each project is typically determined to be much less than what these companies would charge. Therefore, their contribution of their time, labor, and resources, allows for this project to be completed successfully.


From the non-profit sector, organizations take the on the role of managing these different projects. The City of Jacksonville will provide organizations with the funding, and the non-profits will find the candidates and the construction companies to ensure that these projects are successful.



And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased” Hebrews 13:16





Blakely, E. J., & Leigh, N. G. (2017). Planning local economic development theory and practice.Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.


Housing and Community Development Division. (n.d.). Retrieved January 21, 2019, from development

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