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January 24, 2019 11:11:59 PM EST 3 days ago

Melody Leisure


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In 1973, the United States Supreme Court heard the case Roe v Wade. This case was historical case because it made abortions legal. The case went to the Supreme Court because it violated the plaintiff Ninth and Fourteenth amendment “the right to choose to whether to have children was protected by the Ninth Amendment, through the Fourteenth Amendment…”[1]  The fetus is not considered a person “the unborn are not included within the definition of “person” as used in the Fourteenth Amendment...”[2] The ruling prevented the state from inferring with the pregnancy in the first trimester “prior to the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, the state may not interfere with or regulate an attending physician’s decision, reached in consultation with his patient, that the patient’s pregnancy should be terminated…”  [3] This case gave the State authority to rule after the first trimester “from and after the point in time when the fetus becomes viable, the state may regulate the abortion procedure only to the extent the such regulation relates to the preservation and protection of maternal health, (9) from and after the point when the fetus becomes viable, the state may prohibit abortions altogether, except those necessary to preserve the life or health of the mother…” [4] Roe v. Wade is objective writing. This case clearly states what is expected of the State when abortion is a matter of concern.

The American Civil Liberties Union is for abortions. They fight for the rights and liberates of those violated. Roe v. Wade is at the center of attention again. “Embolden by the prospect that the Supreme Court might eviscerate or over turn Roe, some states are now trying to ban abortions outright.”[5] This is a threat to women’s rights. “But as threats to legal abortion increase, we are championing policies that safeguard the ability of women to our own decisions.”[6] New York had an abortion law in effect before Roe. “But actually, New York’s law governing abortion was enacted before Roe in 1970.”[7] However it is outdated. On Tuesday, New York passed the Reproductive Heath Act. “The RHA recognizes abortion as a fundamental right and fixes several flaws in New York’s outdated abortion law.”[8] The act gives medical professionals, such as nurses, not just doctors the ability to do abortions as long as it falls in their practices. This is blog from the ACLU is a type of opinion writing. This is based on the opinion of the writers that work for the ACLU.

As Christians, we were taught “You shall not murder.”[9] Abortion is murder in God’s eye. “My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you, turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding.”[10] It says in Proverbs “store up my commands” on of those command is not to kill. We are governed by man’s law which make it difficult to follow God’s law.

Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (Sup. Ct. 1973)

Donna Lieberman and Jessica Arron, “Amid a Deteriorating Landscape for Abortion Rights, a Critical Victory in New York” ACLU, January 22, 2019, accessed January 24, 2019,

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Brandon Boswell

Discussion Board 2

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The opinion piece I selected was titled The White House Is Tearing Down the Wall Between Church and State. The article argues that that President Trump and members of his administration are using the government to change the meaning of the establishment clause and what we define religious liberty as. (Jacoby, 2018) The article I selected as objective and analytical was titled Ideology ‘’All the way down’’ An Empirical Study of Establishment Clause Decisions in the Federal Courts. The study attempts to determine if certain factors like presidential appointments and political/religious beliefs of judges are factors in judges’ rulings on cases involving the establishment clause. (Gregory and Heise, 2012)

                The biggest differences in the articles is how they went about trying to reach their conclusions. The opinion piece did not rely on evidence to back their claims but instead relied upon persuasion. The article lacked historical references or previous court ruling to back their point. (Jacoby, 2018) The other article used statistics on numerous occasions to try and determine if the factors they believed influenced court decisions played a role. The analytical article also used history to back up their assumptions using quotations from judges to highlight relevant pieces of information regarding their study. For example, it mentions the fact that Chief Justice Roy Moore campaigned as the ‘’Ten Commandments Judge’’. (Gregory and Heise, 2012) The opinion piece did have some quotes to back their claim but never really elaborated on how what was said backed their claims. Another key difference in the articles was what the goals were for each article. The opinion piece was very clear on its intent to show that the Trump administration was thumping its nose at separation of church and state, while the analytical piece was trying to determine if there was a correlation between certain factors relating to judges and their rulings on cases involving religion. The wording of both articles was also drastically different. The opinion piece was not shy about attacking President Trumps and his administration and stating their own beliefs. Compared to the analytical article that reframed from such attacks and focused solely on the relevance in mentioning actions taken by judges. The analytical article never attacked a judge for their ruling or beliefs but instead explained such remarks were releveant. (Jacoby, 2018) (Gregory and Heise, 2012) (Rosenwasser, 2012)

                In conclusion both articles were fundamentally different. I felt the opinion piece instead of searching for any insight was determined that they had already found it and was trying to convince others to their point of view. The analytical piece on the other hand was trying to find insight and was trying to look for answers instead of preaching their beliefs to others. One piece was very closed minded while the other was open to accepting a result that may not be what they desired it to be, but nonetheless was still wiling to search for it.

Jacoby, Susan. 2018. The White House is Tearing Down the Wall Between Church and State. The New York Times. (accessed January, 23, 2019)

Gregory C Sisk and Heise Michael. 2012. Ideology ‘’All The Way Down’’? An Empirical Study of Establishment Clause Decisions In The Federal Courts. Michigan Law Review Vol. 110, ISS 7.

Rosenwasser, David and Stephen, Jill. 2012. Writing Analytically. Cengage Learning INC.

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