3 new pages (8 or more total pages)The state legislature has agreed to go forth with one of the two policy proposals that you formulated in the Week 4 Key Assignment draft. You will now have to explai


To: Criminal Justice Committee

From: State Policy Analyst

Date: 30/01/2019

RE: formulation and implementation plan for Juvenile delinquency policy

Juvenile delinquency refers to the unlawful action engaged in by a child under the age of 18 years. There has been increasing case of children engaging in crimes hence imposing risks to the society of insecurity (Lane, 2015). In most cases, children who practice juvenile delinquency during their childhood are likely to commit more crimes in the future.


Children engage in delinquent actions due to their experience of certain problems. Lack of education access is a leading factor promoting juvenile delinquency as children are idle and also unable to use legitimate means of living (Unnever, 2015). Thus they develop rebellion to the legal ways of earning and turn to juvenile delinquency.

The Breakdown of family structures also facilitates the problems since children are unable to acquire the desired level of care and parenting. Besides, families with a repeated case of domestic violence taking place in the presence of the child are likely to facilitate juvenile delinquency in the child (Shteynberg & Redlich, 2015).

Cases of bullying among the children enable them to develop defensive mechanism increasing their risk of engaging in violence and bullying others as a mean of vengeance (Lane, 2015).

Alternative Actions

Following the increasing problems of juvenile delinquency in our society, the Criminal Justice Committee should take the following actions:

  1. All children should be allowed access to education regardless of their backgrounds and socio-economic status.

  2. The government should develop Parental-Child Interactions training program that will educate parent of appropriate parenting as well as ways of preventing their child from delinquent behaviors. The training programs should also incorporate bullying prevention strategies (Hoffmann, 2015).

Funding Source

The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention should fund the programs as well as the government by providing free education.

Implementation Challenges

  1. Free Education:

    1. High number of students in schools may result to overworked teachers and underperformance. Underperformance may result to juvenile delinquency.

    2. Free education may lead to overburdened government.

    3. Implementation of Free education may fail to address other issue facing the child such as family breakups.

    4. Expelled or suspended from school

    5. Diagnosis of Learning disability among the children

  2. Parent-Child Interactions Training Program

  1. Ignorance and resistance from parents.

  2. Family structure breakdown.

  3. Insufficient time for the training as parents is busy.


The two recommendations are effective in eliminating juvenile delinquency in the society as free education will keep the children busy and hopeful for a better future. On the other had parent-child interactions training will enhance a positive relationship between parents and children hence reduce chances of delinquent behaviors. However, Free educations is more effective in the eliminating of juvenile delinquency as children are easily accessible that parents who may lack will and interest to participate in the training or lack time to attend.

Evaluation criteria

The proposed solution will be judged using five items which include quality of the programs such the result will be used to review the quality of the project. Stakeholders’ satisfaction whereby they will determine whether the result obtained matched with the aims. Cost of implementing the plan. Whether the success acquired time is in line with the scheduled timeline.

The effectiveness of the programs will be evaluated through assessment of the skills developed by participating in the programs (Lane, 2015). The Criminal Justice Committee should compare the changes in behavior of children over time and survey on the number of cases reported before and after the implementation of the intervention. The results obtained from the change in behavior survey will determine whereby the committee and the governments will allocate more resources to support the initiative or it will require other mean of intervention of the current once are not successful.

The evaluation process should be done and reported on quarter, semi quarter and annually to determine the progress of the program.

Utilization of the research

In the first three weeks, resources will be allocates, professional required hired and public awareness created. The committee will be required to communicate the intent of the policy to the community so that they can embrace it and help it to the successful. The resources coming from the government and the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, will be obtained so that the actual implementation can begin. Professions in the implementation process of the policies will be obtained and training on the aims and ways of fulfilling the objectives of the initiative.

Yours Faithfully

State Policy Analyst



Hoffmann, J. P. (2015). Parenting and Delinquency. The Handbook of Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Justice, 161-180.

Lane, J. (2015). Juvenile Delinquency and Justice Trends in the United States. The Handbook of Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Justice, 1-14.

Shteynberg, R. V., & Redlich, A. D. (2015). Policing Juvenile Delinquency. The Handbook of Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Justice, 405-421.

Unnever, J. D. (2015). Causes of African-American Juvenile Delinquency. The Handbook of Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Justice, 121-138.