Unions, whose membership has steadily declined over the past 50 years, are now seeking to expand their organizing efforts by targeting nontraditional union members and developing sophisticated methods

Assessment Instrument Review Template

Name of Instrument, Publication Year, and Purpose

Full name of instrument and acronym (if one is used)

Year instrument was published

Instrument is used to assess: intelligence, adaptive behavior, behavioral and emotional status, general achievement, reading, writing, mathematics, or oral language


(target and norm)

Target population (administered for what age or grade level)

Norm group (instrument standardized with what age, grade, culture, etc.)


(type, tool, personnel)

Type of administration: individual or group

Administration tool: test, observation, checklist, etc.

Administration personnel: parent, teacher, reading specialist, diagnostician, psychologist, etc.

Areas Assessed and Description

Instrument assesses what areas (subtests, indexes/indices, scales, etc.) to provide what information

Scores, Interpretation, and Use

Scores given (percentile, GE, AE, standard score, etc.)

Interpretation of scores (comparison with norm, individual ability, etc.)

Instrument used to: screen, monitor student progress, RTI information, IEP goal setting, etc.

Technical Aspects

Validity (type, coefficient, quality, etc.)

Reliability (type, quality)


Practical considerations and factors related to: examinee, examiner and examiner-examinee relationship, and test

Ethical considerations: use of assessments, interpreting assessment results, assessment by unqualified persons, obsolete tests or outdated test results, etc.

School/District Use

Does your school/district use this instrument?

If yes,: for what purpose, who administers, how administered (full administration or partial administration of certain subtests), with what exceptionalities


Analyze the instrument

Make a recommendation for or against using the instrument with support


Reference information: textbook, Mental Measurements Yearbook, etc.