Review the pages in the DBA Doctoral Study Rubric and Research Handbook that have to do with writing and aligning the problem, purpose, and research question for a DBA doctoral study. These are pages



Here is an example of good alignment between a qualitativespecific business problem, research question, and first sentence of the purpose statement.

Here is an example of good alignment between a quantitative specific business problem, research question, and first sentence of the purpose statement.

Specific business problem The specific business problem is that some department store managers lack strategies to motivate their sales associates.

Specific business problem The specific business problem is that some construction managers do not know the relationship between employee motivation, job satisfaction, and turnover intentions.

First sentence of purpose statement The purpose of this qualitative multiple case study is to explore strategies that department store managers use to motivate their sales associates.

First sentence of purpose statement The purpose of this quantitative correlational study is to examine the relationship between employee motivation, job satisfaction, and turnover intentions.

Research question What strategies do department store managers use to motivate their sales associates?

Research question What is the relationship between employee motivation, job satisfaction, and turnover intentions?

Method Qualitative

Method Quantitative