Personal Philosophy of EducationIntroduction Every teacher needs to know what they think about children and how they learn. In this assignment you will enunciate your philosophy. This assignment fulfi


When writing a philosophy of education, the following should be included:

  • What you believe about children and the learning process.

  • How you think children should be taught.

  • Your present values.

  • Your philosophy of life.

  • Your core values and beliefs (nature, purpose, role, calling, responsibility to others.)

How is a philosophy of education developed?

  • Education

  • Reading widely in professional journals

  • Exploring contemporary ideas

How to begin writing a philosophy of education:

  • I believe the purposes of education are …

  • I believe children learn best when …

  • The best environment for learning …

  • Needs of children …

  • Qualities of all teachers …

When writing a philosophy, bear in mind that:

  • Learning must be meaningful.

  • Learning must be hands on.

  • Learning must build connections.

  • Learning must be collaborative.

  • Learning must be safe.