Need assistance with the following scenario.

  1. Utilizing the concepts below Identify a time when you had to make a change in your personal or professional life. Describe a change theory that helps explain the process you used to approach this change situation. What were your priorities at the time that impacted your change decision? Was your change successful? If not, what lessons did you learn from the process?

•Rational–empirical strategies: used when there is little anticipated resistance to the change or when the change is perceived as reasonable

•Normative–reeducative strategies: use group norms and peer pressure to socialize and influence people so that change will occur

•Power-coercive strategies: feature the application of power by legitimate authority, economic sanctions, or political clout of the change agent

personal time-management

• Precontemplation

• Contemplation

• Preparation

• Action

• Maintenance

. Cite all references using APA format.