Instructions (EXAMPLE BELOW)  Go to Google   Enter your Search Query of choice   Take a screenshot   Provide feedback on the following 3 things   Is there at least one ad that is relevan

Instructions (EXAMPLE BELOW)
  1. Go to Google

  2. Enter your Search Query of choice

  3. Take a screenshot

  4. Provide feedback on the following 3 things

    1. Is there at least one ad that is relevant to your query and you would consider clicking through to?

    2. Which AD do you find most compelling and why?

    3. In the most compelling ad please identify (either written response or marked up screenshot) the Display URL

Optional: identify a Unique Selling Point and or Call to Action within the ad

  • Either paste screenshot within the assignment response with feedback or create a document (DOCX or PPTX) where screenshot is pasted and feedback is provided

If you need assistance with taking a screenshot of the Google search results page, please let me know


Instructions (EXAMPLE BELOW)  Go to Google    Enter your Search Query of choice    Take a screenshot    Provide feedback on the following 3 things    Is there at least one ad that is relevan 1

Is there at least one ad that is relevant to your query and you would consider clicking through to?


Which AD do you find most compelling and why?

Identified with a red box. The ad is highlighting the newest model of this car, has compelling adjectives like 'agressive' and points out the 310 HP of the car. Conveys car's price, MPG and a number of other data points.

In the most compelling ad please identify (either written response or marked up screenshot) the Display URL is the Display URL

Optional: identify a Unique Selling Point and or Call to Action within the ad

Unique Selling Point: Subaru Boxer Engine. Other car manufacturers have their own engine types

Call to Action: 'Check out the new...'. While sublte, the ad is telling you to do something. Stronger Calls to Action could be 'Test drive', 'Visit a dealer', etc.