Scholars. Essay one will be due on Saturday, February 16th by 5pm.  Among themany major issues the authors address are the meaning of life/ existence, women's rights, social conduct/manners, and the

Essay 1 – World Literature Dire ctions: Reflect on the readings , and choose one (1) of the prompts below . Full credit will be given only to those papers that follow the prescribe d essay format and that cite relevant textual evidence . Additionally, pro ofread the essay before submitting it, and comply with other general guideli nes on the Blackboard pa ge : 1. Exam ine the role of women in early E ast Asian literature. Comp are and /or contrast key soci al customs and perceptions with those that appear in the En lighte nm ent period texts you have read. 2. Ar gue for or against the similar ities between the cont emporary #MeToo cli mate an d the soci o- pol itic al contexts for any of the writers we have read. 3. Reflect on t he significance mid -1700s authors attr ibuted to rationality, and write a satirical treatise to your peer g roup , advocating that they either sho uld or should not adopt Enlighte nment princi ples. (Remember that satire is an exaggerated comedic convention, so your intention will be obvious in blatant contradictions . Ad ditio nally, you must still adhere to the essay for mat and cite te xtual evidence.) 4. Write a letter to Pr esident Trump either congratu lating or lambasting him for the ways his key political positio ns/practices do or do not echo core early En ligh tenment pri nciples.