Explicit Vocabulary InstructionResearch consistently shows learning deficits and lower achievement scores for children of color, low SES, and ELLs. This gap starts at an early age with many children e

Each portfolio consists of five projects. The recommended word count is at minimum 1000 words per project (or 5000 per portfolio). The projects are purposefully open to customization. Students are free to make adaptations to match their specific career interests.

  1. MARKETING STRATEGY. Imagine you work at a large multi-brand company of your choosing (e.g., Apple, Nestle, Unilever). (a) BRAND DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES. Imagine you are hired as a Brand Manager for any one brand at the company. Name the brand (e.g., iPhone). Using the slide titled “4 Brand Development Strategies,” detail 4 pathways to grow the Brand. (i) LINE EXTENSION. (ii) BRAND EXTENSION. (iii) MULTIBRAND. (iv) NEW BRAND. (v) Rank order the anticipated success of these 4 strategies and explain your reasoning. (b) BUSINESS GROWTH STRATEGIES. Flash forward a few years, imagine you are now promoted to a Vice President position for a region of your choosing. Name the region (e.g., USA). Using the slide titled “4 Strategies for Growing Businesses,” detail 4 pathways to grow the Company. (i) MARKET PENETRATION. (ii) PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT. (iii) MARKET DEVELOPMENT. (iv) DIVERSIFICATION. (v) Rank order the anticipated success of these 4 strategies and explain your reasoning.

  1. PURPOSE-DRIVEN INNOVATION. Think of a purpose-driven innovation in each of the following market categories: (a) TRANSPORTATION, (b) FOOD AND BEVERAGES, and (c) PERSONAL CARE. Within each category, answer these questions. (i) CATEGORY INNOVATION. Describe the status quo in the product category, your purpose, and your innovation. (ii) TARGET MARKET. Identify the consumer segment who will be the most likely to value your category innovation. Use demographic, geographic, psychographic, and/or behavioral variables to define this segment. (iii) ANTICIPATED RESPONSE. Anticipate the response and resistance to your innovation from other relevant stakeholders (e.g., activists, employees, communities, governments, journalists). (iv) PROMOTION MIX. Explain how you would promote this innovation to ensure that it is a success. The slide entitled “Promotion Mix” could serve as a checklist of options.

  1. MAKING THE PITCH. A key step in any marketing project is pitching your ideas to your colleagues, bosses, partners, and funders. Watch any 3 pitches from the TV show Shark Tank on YouTube. You just need to watch the pitch, not the investor negotiations. (a) LINKS. List weblinks for the 3 pitches you selected. (b) THE LEAST EFFECTIVE. In your opinion, which pitch was the least effective and why? If you were to redo the least effective pitch, what would you do differently? (c) THE MOST EFFECTIVE. Which pitch was the most effective and why? If you were to redo the most effective pitch to make it even better, what would you do differently? (d) PITCHING EXPERIENCE. Describe any experience you have had pitching a new idea to a tough audience and what you learned from the experience. (e) MY PITCH. As an entrepreneur, you are seeking venture capital for a new business idea. Please write a short elevator pitch.

  1. CAREER ADVANCEMENT. Find 5 different job ads (internships or permanent jobs) in marketing or other business areas that interest you. Aim for as much variety as possible. At least one of these jobs should be at a global company (e.g., Nestle, P&G, Unilever, etc.). At least one of these jobs should be at a relatively small company in NYC. (a) JOB ADS. Provide web links to the descriptions of each of these 5 jobs. (b) VALUES-BASED SELECTION. Which of these jobs most closely aligns with your personal values and how? (c) LIKELY HURDLES. Identify all the educational, experiential, psychological, and practical hurdles you might face in securing these jobs. (d) MY NEXT STEPS. Enumerate the steps that you are going to take to overcome these hurdles and get these jobs in the next few months.

  1. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT. (a) COURSE SLIDES. From all the slides discussed in the course so far, elaborate on 3 course slides that could be helpful for your personal or professional goals. Describe when, where, and/or how you might use the slide. (b) CHARACTER STRENGTHS. Describe 3 character strengths that you think you have improved upon during this course. Describe where you used to be, how you have progressed, and how you hope to develop next. (c) WELL-BEING PILLARS. Do the pillars of well-being exercise. Identify at least 3 actionable insights you learn about your current circumstances.

Evaluation criteria. The grade is determined as follows: 50% for completion + 50% for quality. What constitutes high quality in business is necessarily defined by competition. That said, here are some typical quality markers:

  1. readability; shorter sentences are generally clearer than longer ones

  2. logic; all of the assumptions and arguments make sense

  3. concepts and frameworks from the slides and beyond (e.g., Changing Minds)

  4. all concepts and frameworks are explained before they are applied

  5. several different sources of data and insights from appropriate sources

  6. useful examples to illustrate the key points

  7. no long quotes, which signal an inability to synthesize

  8. elegant presentation, including clear organization and consistent formatting

  9. conceptual illustrations (e.g., process maps, comparison tables)

  10. photographs or other images that provide evidence or animate key ideas

Examples. Students who have limited exposure to professional business reports are encouraged to review examples before producing their own.

  • Sample business trends report

  • Sample consumer trend report

  • Sample industry trend report

  • Sample market research report

  • Sample market outlook report

  • Sample student work

Submission checklist. Consider these items before you submit:

  1. Does your cover page include your own name?

  2. Does your table of contents list page numbers for each project?

  3. Does each project begin on a new page?

  4. Are your sources cited in the text and referenced in a works cited page?

  5. Do your citations/references use a standard format (e.g., MLA)?

  6. Is most of the text in a readable 10-12 font size?

  7. Is your text single-spaced like most professional reports?

  8. Is each part clearly numbered (1, 2, 3…/a, b, c…/i, ii, iii...)?

  9. Is each part clearly titled to help guide the reader?

  10. Have you run a spelling and grammar check?