Create a table on one page of your site that has at least one colspan or rowspan. Style it with at least three selectors in your stylesheet. You can  use element, class and/or ID. (Note: do not use

Respond to student agree or disagree……..100 word min.

I think it the question should be “what really caused the cybersecurity measures to really gain traction or all-over sudden cybersecurity become the number one concern for industries and households?”

Cybersecurity has become everyone’s number security concern due to the fact that hackers have refined their art. From hacking phone lines to make free long distance call in late 70’s to creating ransomware for monetary gain

The other reason why cybersecurity is important is that in the last 20 years more companies have moved away from the traditional method of keeping important document on folders and storing them away in file cabinets. With the use of computers all important information are now stored in the data base.

The disadvantage on having important documents in the data base servers is that once the hacker crack opens your system, then all your information is at his/her mercy.

So how do we protect important sensitive information?

The field of cybersecurity looks at clever ways and strategies to protect important information online

How does cybersecurity policies affect business and its employees?

Under President Obama, the cyber security framework was initiated to help businesses develop safer computer network systems. Also, the cyber security framework is a safety net for businesses in the event of a data breach. The company can say that they have applied the security measures outlined in the cyber security framework and avoid paying hefty fines for negligence (Hayes & Shore, 2012).

Corporate cybersecurity policies affect employees in a sense that they are the target for hackers. Hackers embed viruses, trojan horse, malware etc. as email attachment. It is important that employees are educated so that do not open email from strangers and allow it to affect the system.


Hayes, S. and Shore, M. (2012). The Changing Face of Cybersecurity. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Feb. 2019].