The following activity will present an opportunity to put into practice what you have learned and read about correlation and correlation coefficients. The narratives supplied in these exercises will p

Activity 8.3 Instructions Document Name: 8.3 SPSS Activity: Calculating and Interpreting Results for a Bivariate Correlation Between Two Variables. The following activity will present an opportunity to put into practice what you have learned and read about regarding correlation and correlation coefficients. The narratives supplied in these exercises will provide all the information you will need to c alculate the proper statistical values. Please read the following narrative and then use the Excel spreadsheet provided to import the data into SPSS to construct a dataset that SPSS can use to perform the proper statistical analyses. Problem Narrative 8. 3: Marketing for many colleges and universities always imply that more school will result in greater income. To test this statement, data was collected from 19 individuals who attended and completed various years in education including high school and co llege. That information is included in the table below. Education Income 12 30 18 52 14 55 12 35 16 48 20 150 14 58 16 50 18 68 20 126 12 42 16 52 18 71 20 120 14 45 16 42 18 75 12 40 16 50 In the table above, education is listed in years , and income is listed in thousands. So, a 12 in the education column would indicate that the person has completed 12 years of school (basically graduated high school); a 14 in the education column would indi cate a person who has completed 2 years of college (an AS degree); a 16 in the education column would indicate a person who has completed 4 years of college (a BS degree); an 18 in the education column would indicate a person who has completed 2 years of graduate school (a n MS degree); and a 20 in the education column would indicate a person who has completed 2 additional years of grad uate work (a doctoral degree). In the income column, income is listed in thousands, so if a 40 is listed, that would indicat e an annu al income of $40,000 and so on. If the marketing information provided by colleges and universities is correct, then more years of education should correlate to higher income. Download the Excel spreadsheet “8.3 Data Input” and import the sprea dsheet into SPSS for subsequent analyses Part I: Import Data into SPSS: Use the spreadsheet you just downloaded “8.3 Data Input” and import the data in this spreadsheet into SPSS for subsequent analyses. Name your SPSS datafile “8.3 SPSS Education Income Dataset” with the “.sav” extensi on. Your SPSS datafile should be ready to use for analysis. Part II: Short Answer Questions: Create a n MSWord document to answer the short answer questions from pa rt II and III of this exercise. The name of the file will be “8.3 SPSS Exercise – Short Answer Questions”. Save this for subsequent upload as one of your deliverables for this exercise. Answer the following based on the narrative and data provided: 1. What are the variables you will be comparing in this scenario? List them. 2. What is the hypothesis? 3. If you find a significant correlation between the two variables, what does that mean exactly? Part III: Running the Appropriate Analysis in SPSS: Using the “8.3 SPSS Education Income Data set” you created previously in this exercise, conduct a bivariate correlation using a Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient to see if the assumption stated in the narrative, that years of education and higher income are correlated. Use SPSS to generate a scatterplot on the data and a regression line to be used for prediction within the range of our predictor variable . Add the following to your list of short answer questions as information obtained from your SPSS output file. 4. What are your n umerical results? 5. Did you find any significant correlations? 6. If you found any significant correlations, were they positive, negative, or neutral? 7. If you found any significant correlations, describe the strength or degree of the correlations? 8. According to the scatterplot and regression line you just generated, list the predicted income for individuals who obtain a BS, MS, or Ph.D. degree (16, 18, or 20 years of school). Save the Bivariate Correlation output as “8.3 SPSS Education Income Output ” as a “.spv” file to upload as a deliverable at the conclusion of this exercise. Part IV: Results Write Up: Write up the results of your data analysis in standard APA format being sure to mention all relevant variables and findings in your write up. M ake sure your format adheres to APA format and guidelines. Save the document as “8.3 SPSS Results Write Up”. (If you have questions about what a complete results write up for a Bivariate Correlation looks like, either look up conference and journal arti cles that use t -tests as their statistical analysis, or contact your instructor for specific guidance.) Your deliverables for this SPSS exercise will be: 1. The IBM SPSS data file “8.3 SPSS Education Income Dataset” 2. The IBM SPSS viewer file “8.3 SPSS Edu cation Income Output” 3. The Short Answer document “8.3 SPSS Exercise – Short Answer Questions”. 4. The APA formatted results write up “8.3 SPSS Results Write Up”. Upload all four of these files as your submission for this exercise to be considered for full credit.