*Must be original work* *Must be detailed* Watch the first 15 minutes of the “Juvenile Rehabilitation” video available on the student website.Prepare a detailed outline of the video, identifying

Understanding Religion

Discuss a religion that you are familiar with, and some of its beliefs, behaviors, and norms. How does this religion meet social needs? Research a religion that you don't know much about. Explain how its beliefs, behaviors, and norms are like/unlike the other religion.

For the assignment, you will write a minimum of three paragraphs sharing your thoughts on religion at this point in this course.

Be as thorough as possible when writing your journal entry, and remember, no “text-talk,” no conversational tone, and ABOVE ALL OTHER THINGS… don’t plagiarize!! Lastly, spell-check and proofread your work! Failure to follow these steps will negatively impact your grade on assignments.