me and my group are doing research project about Berkshire Hathaway company and I need you to be responsible for doing my part which is(( research for  guidance)). in this part i need you to  Review

Accounting 382 – Section 003

Research Project (30 points)

Due: Tuesday, February 26th (at beginning of class).

Groups: Please work in your assigned groups and submit one paper per group. Please ensure that the name of each team member is written on the cover page of the paper. If an assigned team member does participate in the group project, please indicate that on the cover page of the paper (e.g., team member xxx was assigned to this group but did not participate).


Read Chapter 2 of the Intermediate Accounting Research Guide. Prepare a research report that includes the following sections (see page numbers referenced to assist you with each section):

  • Understand the business and industry (pgs. 39 - 41)

  • Understand the facts/background of the transaction (pgs. 41 - 43)

  • Define the problem (pgs. 43 – 45)

  • Search for guidance (pgs. 46 – 48)

  • Analyze and document alternatives (48 - 51)

  • Justify and document conclusion (pg. 51)

Select a company to analyze. You should select one that is publicly traded on an exchange in the United States (NASDAQ or NYSE). This company should have multiple years of annual 10-K filings accessible through To understand the business and the industry, refer to your chosen company’s 10-K filings; specifically, the Business, Risk Factors, and MD&A sections will provide useful information to understand the business and the industry.

Select a transaction to analyze. There are four transactions to choose from that are posted on D2L relating to topics we cover in ACTG 382 (nonmonetary exchange, intangible assets, short-term debt, reacquisition of equity). Choose one of these transactions and review the relevant 10-K footnote to understand how your chosen company may account for this transaction. Be sure to also review the “Summary of Significant Accounting Policies” and “Recent Accounting Policies” footnotes for additional context.

Define the problem. Based on the transaction you selected to analyze, identify the researchable accounting question(s) that you need to conclude on to determine the appropriate accounting treatment.

Search for guidance. Review the FASB Codification to determine the appropriate accounting guidance to consider in addressing the researchable accounting question(s).

FASB Codification Access:

You may access the FASB Codification database at using the following:

User ID: AAA51686; Password: zWT6b9X

Analyze and document alternatives. Based on your definition of the problem and the appropriate accounting guidance identified, determine what the different alternatives are for accounting for your chosen transaction.

Justify and document your conclusion. Conclude on the proper accounting treatment and justify your conclusion by referring to the applicable accounting guidance, identifying how the company has handled similar transactions in the past, and identifying how peers/competitors have handled similar transactions.

Research Report (worth 15 points or 5% of total grade):

  1. Your report should include all six sections identified above.

  2. Your report should be written in concise business language, with proper formatting, grammar, and spelling.

  3. All sources should be properly cited and documented.

  4. No specific length is required for the research report; a recommended guideline is 3 to 9 pages (double-spaced).

  5. Include appendices or diagrams/figures if it would be useful.

Presentation (worth 15 points or 5% of total grade):

  1. Summarize your research report in PowerPoint. There is no required length to the number of slides.

  2. Present your research to the class on your assigned date (Tuesday Feb. 26th).

  3. Each team member should speak roughly the same amount of time. For example, if your presentation is 15 minutes long and your group has five team members, each person should speak approximately three minutes.

  4. Full credit will be given if the team presents a PowerPoint slideshow to the class and each team member speaks roughly the same amount of time. The quality of the PowerPoint presentation will not be graded, nor will the quality of the speaking (e.g., eye contact, vocal clarity or volume, etc.).

  5. If there are any questions asked by the class or the instructor proctor after the presentation, the team will provide answers to the best of their ability.

Additional Notes:

  1. Please ensure that both your research report and PowerPoint presentation include a cover page that identifies the team members, company selected, and transaction selected.

  2. Please submit an electronic copy of the PowerPoint presentation to the instructor’s e-mail ([email protected]) by 5:45pm on Tuesday Feb. 26th.

  3. Please also bring a hard copy of the research report to submit to the professor prior to the presentation.

  4. Please be respectful to your fellow teams and remain in class until all presentations are completed.