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Domestic Violence


Domestic violence occurs when an individual is abusing the other individual in a domestic situation like cohabitation and marriage. It can also be defined as intimate partner violence in case of a spouse committing it a relationship that is intimate, or it can occur in same sex or heterosexual affiliation or among current or former can take emotional, religious, verbal, or sexual abuse form (Brown et al., 2018).

Statistics of death due to IPV in America

The CDC evaluated the homicides of women in eighteen states starting from the year 2003 to 2014, deaths totaling 10, 018 were found. The ones that involved intimate partner violence were about 55%. It means that these took place while the spouses were still together. A more significant percentage of 93% of the incidences indicates that the offender was a former or current romantic spouse. In most cases, the homicides occurred immediately after arguments among the spouse, and about 12% of the killings were linked to jealousy (Straus, 2017). The statistic also shows that most of the victims were under forty years of age and that fifteen percent were expectant. Also, about fifty-four percent of the homicides were gun death.

Risk factors for spousal abuse

The risk of becoming a victim of intimate partner violence is as a result of societal, individual, community or relational factors, or even a combination of some them. The personal risk aspects comprise of antisocial character traits and behavior problems, poor social suddenness, a previous account of being abused physically, sensitive dependence and lack of self-confidence. When one of the spouses had undergone among the mentioned above factors, then there is a likelihood of being violent in the marriage.

Additionally, if the partners had undergone marital instability, like one partner trying to dominate the other, separations or divorces, unhealthy family interactions, financial stress and associating with a friend who are aggressive and antisocial, the person is likely to be violent in the relationship because he or she is used to such acts (Winter, 2016).

Warning signs/ red flags

Domestic violence differs from one relationship to the other since each relationship is different. However, one prominent aspect in each relationship that is abusive is that the person abusing the other do so in various ways to gain dominance over the other. Some of the red flags may include one partner humiliating or putting down the other, making the other’s visitation to family and friends difficult and being dominant over decision making in the relation.

Additionally, some other red flags may be one partner accusing the other of abuse; pretending that the abuse is not taking place. The other partner might do away with one’s possessions or intimidating to kill one’s domestic animal, frightening them using guns or other weapons, trying to stop the other spouse from pressing charges and threatening to commit suicide because of something one has done.

Real life stories

A story is told by Ann, one of the victims of spouse abuse. She had met she met her partner just for over three months; they use to get drunk a lot. One night, her partner was angry at her thus started calling her with a lot of abusive names then strangled her to the wall. She got really frightened, but he asked for forgiveness. On another incident, he wanted to have intercourse with her, and she asked her to use a condom. He retorted saying he did not have them, he went ahead and made love to her against her will. The situations became a routine for these two partners (White, 2017).

Another is for Alex; she said that her partner had been psychologically and physically abusing her for almost a year. It all began when she was being shoved and pushed while she was on her wait out to work. Alex’s spouse was feeling insecure due to his past relationships and was somehow feeling jealous towards those that he considered being posing threats to him. Alex's spouse would continually take beer and then start accusing her of being a whore among other terms. He would accuse her till he gets to sleep on a daily basis. Afterward, he could apologize saying that he was not aware of what he did. Alex thought that her husband would change at first, but later it turned out that the situation was getting worse.


Brown, R. P., Baughman, K., & Carvallo, M. (2018). Culture, masculine honor, and violence toward women. Personality and social psychology bulletin44(4), 538-549.

Straus, M. A. (2017). Physical violence in American families: Incidence rates, causes, and trends. In Abused and battered(pp. 17-34). Routledge.

White, M., Pollio, D. E., Hong, B. A., & North, C. S. (2017). Memories of intimate partner violence and the process of change. Annals of clinical psychiatry: official journal of the American Academy of Clinical Psychiatrists29(1), 35-45.

Winter, R. (2016). Risk or vulnerability: red flags for intimate partner violence. In Stop Domestic Violence Conference (pp. 1-17).