Week 3 - The Annotated BibliographyObjective:  Assess sources for your research for your final presentation (for credibility, reliability, and relevance) and list references in proper APA formatAssig

Jamal Sampson

February 5, 2019

PSY 432

The first part of this assignment is completed and will be used to complete the full assignment. The completed portion is answered in yellow and you will use it to complete the assignment.

You will use the highlighted information to complete the red section.

a) Write an overall behavioral goal you want to achieve by changing a behavior

this semester.

I want to decrease the amount of time I typically spend on Facebook a day.

b) Operational Definition: Select one behavior (target behavior) you are going to

change that will help you reach your overall goal and write a behavioral objective

to include an operational definition that is specific and measurable.

Reduce my Facebook usage to no more than 2 hours per day.

By the end of the semester, the individual will have decreased their daily social media usage.

c) Identify your specific method of measurement (e.g. frequency, latency,


Frequency- Record how many days I actually achieve my goal.

Duration – Record the amount of time the person spends on the Facebook outlet using screen time.

Time Sample – Record at the end of each thirty-minute interval if the person is on social media (or using cellular device).

d) Explain how and why you selected this goal and behavioral objective.

I selected this goal and behavioral objective because I spend most of my time each day on Facebook. It is definitely my biggest distraction. Also, the path to this goal is measurable and the behavioral objective can be met.

Baseline Data Collection: Present an assessment of your baseline level of behavior to include observation and self-recording. Your assessment must include the following:

  1. An “ABC” diary/chart with an “antecedent—behavior—consequences” format. (Be sure to record both when target behavior is and is not occurring.) e.g. ABC Analysis

********At this time, just observe, don’t change your behavior.*******

  1. Collection of baseline data with a frequency/duration/latency count for at least 7 days.

  2. Develop a line or bar graph representing your baseline data. Be sure to label x and y axis’.

  3. Describe how you conducted the self-observation and the specific type of recording method used.

  4. Analyze the patterns that have emerged during baseline data collection.

  5. Develop a hypothesis as to why the targeted behavior is or is not occurring at the level you are seeking. Integrate course concepts.

  6. Explain how you will continue data collection during your intervention phase (type of data, recording method).


  1. Proposed behavior/intervention plan to change behavior: (25 pts) Include:

  2. Specific steps and strategies you will implement to change behavior (reinforcements, extinction, etc.). USE BEHAVIORAL LANGUAGE

  3. What are possible obstacles to your goal of changing the target behavior and ways of overcoming these obstacles? Include alternatives you will try if things don’t work out the way you planned.

  4. The various types of rewards and reinforcement schedules you are utilizing.

  5. How you will maintain commitment and prevent relapse?

  6. How will you review progress?