Part 1: Revised Lesson PlanWorking with your certified general education teacher, analyze data from the pre-assessment given to your identified small group as part of your Field Experience C assignmen

GCU College of Education


Section 1: Lesson Preparation

Teacher Candidate Name:

Jason Duesler

Grade Level:





Literacy Pre-Assessment And Lesson Plan

Instructional Plan Title:


Lesson Summary and Focus:

The lesson plan tends to provides teachers with an introductory of the overview of the lesson to the unit on enhancing the descriptive of the writing, Vocabulary, Speaking. The lesson plan takes into account the fact of having different learners and learning differently, therefore assimilate Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences approach. The lesson plans to include some of the resources that could be used in the classroom, and allow teachers the elasticity to jerk it to care for the need of their students.

Classroom and Student Factors/Grouping:

There are some factors, in this case, it should address in order to put the classroom in the ongoing learning activities.

I should find and know the student who is new to the environment and make them feel comfortable. The students who speak other languages that I cannot understand therefore I will look for a bilingual person that can help him to understand the concept and help me to deliver for him to help me curb the diverse issues in the classroom. Some student with mental or physical disabilities must be notices and the learning time should be extended to them in order to make them being accommodated like others.

This will make them adjust the timetable schedule and also bring some tools for aid in the classroom.

National/State Learning Standards:

The standard of the focus for the lesson being presents are College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework for Social Studies State Standards. Some of the standards are that social studies make the nations young for the colleges and even to careers and civic life. The inquiry becomes one of the most fundamental of social studies.
  • Social studies are composed of deep and durable understandings, concepts, and skills from various disciplines.

Include the standards with the performance indicators and the standard language in its entirety.

  • construct critical thinking, problem-solving, and participatory skills to become occupied citizens

  • Align academic programs to the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy in History

Specific Learning Target(s)/Objectives:

The audiences, in this case, are the students in the university who are pursuing literature in English. The student should be able to;

Identify 2-4 types of imagery as used to illustrate some scene/person/object

Statement on the imagery/word choice in terms of the effect created

Center on and analyze the effect of the word choice made by an author in a given passage

Use language obtained or by referring to the toolkit to create a short piece.

Conditions of learning to be met I will follow this strategy;

I will ensure the course outline is properly managed

I will ensure that any sign of plagiarisms is managed in the student work.

I will ensure that all lectures are being recorded for the purpose of references.

I shall provide the signing sheet that every student must sign up on attending lectures

Academic Language

  • Abandon- forsake, leave behind

  • Abstract-existing only in the mind

  • Accompany-go or travel along with

  • Advocate-argue in favor of

  • Allocate-set apart for the purpose

  • Alter-cause to change

  • Annual-occurring every year

I would like to encourage the students to read some diverse text that seeks to improve their learning academic language.

I will help the student to translate from the academic to social language thus improving their vocabulary.

To help the students by introducing the dynamical academic vocabulary.

To aid the students in the diagram of similarities and differences of the academic language.

Resources, Materials, Equipment, and Technology:

  1. iTunes audio of sea waves

  2. Extract from Roald Dahl's, "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"

  3. Pictures of a haunted house, market scene, garden, zoo.

  4. Projector, A4 sheets, and colored pens

  5. Descriptive writing toolkits

Section 2: Instructional Planning

Anticipatory Set

I will use music songs that contain the various vocabularies that am going to teach and ask the students to develop their different songs from mine.

I will, therefore, record their responses on the whiteboard as I wait for more responses.

I will also use some charts that contain the vocabularies to be taught.

Time Needed10 minutes

Multiple Means of Representation

I will use the iTunes audio of the sea waves to ensure all the students’ listen to me even those that are blind.

I will use the guided notes that are to ensure every student remains within the scope of the concept being delivered

Explain how you will differentiate materials for each of the following groups:

  • English language learners (ELL):

I will use the curriculum that focused on the content to allow the student to grasp learning essential without confusion and frustrations.

I will ensure the content is delivered in a chunk to take little to digest and allow more time to the student use to further their knowledge on the concept.

I will try to give the knowledge backgrounds of which with sometimes add native language to support and allow the ELLs to tie new information to something that is familiar.

I will have to define some main multiple-meaning words, vocabulary and figurative language to help this group.

I will also use audio and visual supports.

  • Students with special needs:

I will use the multi-sensory approach that will enable some of them to exploit areas where they have strengths and make them learn in a proper way.

I will try to embrace peer coaching system that will make their peers help them grasp the concepts during class time.

I will ensure that I take some more time with them to enable them to address their difficulties at the moment of studies and even after.

I can also use a strong visual component because a student who cannot read they always find the pictures and symbols more appealing to understand.

  • Students with gifted abilities:

I will try to ask some high questions level that makes them attain more skills.

I will give them advances in learning materials to boost their knowledge

I will provide the test for them of the high level of thinking

  • Early finishers (those students who finish early and may need additional resources/support)

I will make them come up with a complete job cards

I will tell them to finish some uncompleted assignment

Time Needed30 minutes

Multiple Means of Engagement

I will use collaborative group work that will enhance diverse skill learning outcomes.

I will expose the student the structured discussions that will guide them and make them improve on their language.

Explain how you will differentiate activities for each of the following groups:

  • English language learners (ELL):

I will give them the mandate to create the keywords and vocabulary charts.

I will encourage them to establish the use and presence of the objects and real-world examples

  • Students with special needs:

I will add them more time in order for these students to complete their work properly.

I will give them the opportunity to make things of their interest

  • Students with gifted abilities:

I will give them some of the activities of which are of high levels due to their high level of thinking.

I will mandate this group with the creation of the graphic organization of the story.

  • Early finishers (those students who finish early and may need additional resources/support):

I will typically have an assignment for students each quarter or semester that involves a book they choose and do some sort of report or project over, so everyone should have a book all the time. Also, I generally have weekly vocabulary tests, so there is always the option to study vocabulary if a student has a few extra minutes. I like your idea of differentiated activity packets, though, and that’s something I never thought about.

Time Needed


Multiple Means of Expression

The students will be required for multiple choices answers in the class that comes from the learning and teaching activities that have occurred.

The students will also be required to answer some questions verbally when the teacher asked this shall make the teacher try to reinforce places of weaknesses of the various groups in the classroom.

Explain how you will differentiate assessments for each of the following groups:

  • English language learners (ELL):

I will encourage the reading the partner

I will recommend the retelling of the stories

I will tell them to give an oral report to all class

  • Students with special needs:

Through collaborative activities, one may notice the strength and major on it.

Mandate them with the sorting of pictures and graphics and tell them to write them on new materials.

  • Students with gifted abilities:

I will honor and allow their interest in exploration

I will allow the students to take charge of their learning activities.

  • Early finishers (those students who finish early and may need additional resources/support):

Due to their early finishing power, their assessment will be done on the criteria whether they have done the work very relevant.

Time Needed


Extension Activity and/or Homework

The home task can help these learning groups in achieving the learning outcomes as portrayed in the objectives. The homework task usually broadens the student's mind and makes them conceptualize the concepts as needed by the tutor. Through the homework students with disabilities can be able to catch up with others

. As required by your instructor, attach any copies of homework at the end of this template.

Time Needed 10minutes

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