Write a critical evaluation of your learning outcomes from managerial economic. In your response, consider: (800 words)  1. Your managerial economics skills/knowledge prior to taking this class  


Topic #1

Many of you may remember the infamous dress picture:  The Dress

{If you are unable to see that image, simply do a google search of "the dress".}

You are going to discuss why that phenomenon happened in one comprehensive essay.

Part 1:

Look carefully at the picture attached in the file above and guess what you color you think the dress is (if you have already seen the picture, write down what color you thought the dress was the very first time you saw it). Also, ask a few family members or friends what color they think the dress is and write these responses down as well.

If you were not already aware, many people "see" the dress as either white and gold or blue and black.

  1. What color did you think the dress was? What about your friends/family?

  2. Come up with your own hypothesis as to why people see such drastically different colors when looking at the same picture. Note - do not try and look up the correct answer, we will be getting to that shortly. I want to know your best guess as to why that might happen. Vague answers will not receive credit.

Part 2

  • Now, watch the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AskAQwOBvhc

  • For additional reading and a more detailed analysis of the actual color of the picture, read this article: https://www.wired.com/2015/02/science-one-agrees-color-dress/

Once you have watched the video and read the article (and textbook), answer the following questions supporting your views with info from the textbook, video, and article.

  1. Define (in your own words!) sensation and perception and explain how they are different.

  2. Explain the concept of perceptual constancy and provide at least one example of each type of perceptual constancy from your own life (not one from the book).

  3. According to the video, how does color constancy explain why so many people “see” the dress differently?

  4. Finally, explain how the dress phenomenon illustrates the difference between sensation and perception {for all questions, be sure to use terms/concepts from the textbook}.