Prior to beginning work on this learning activity, review the learning activities and assignments where you will be working through the project you choose. These are: (1) Week 2 learning activity - Pr

PRM300 - Week 1 - Project Selection Form Template

[Remove brackets and instructions in brackets and fill out form]

Project Name

[Think about a short yet descriptive name that captures the essence of your project]


[Add today’s date]

Project Manager

[Insert your name]

Problem Statement

[Chose a project that you want to do the planning for during this course. Describe problem in non-technical terms. Statement should explain why project is important and why working on this project is a priority. Make sure what you write stands on its own. You are welcome to make up content but the writeup should sound legitimate.]

Project Charter Statement

[The project charter is the first draft of the project scope statement. It creates a common understanding among the project team, the project sponsor and the key stakeholders. It also defines the boundaries of a project. Document what will and will not be included in this project. Document a list of project goals, including deliverables, functions, tasks, and deadline.]

Note: Once you have completed this form, take a screen shot, and embed it in the “Week 1 – Project Selection for Learning Activities” discussion thread.