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Vaccines and Immunization

Ram Pandey

South University

Nursing Research Methods


Dr. Ellen Rearick

January 23, 2019

Vaccines and Immunization

Miller, E. (2015). Controversies and challenges of vaccination: an interview with Elizabeth Miller. BMC Medicine, 13, 1–5.

There have been several questions that was answered by Professor Elizabeth Miller who is a an expert in the whole world on immunization problem solving and a central adviser on immunization policy. Elizabeth says that the medication or the vaccines are different from other medications because they need to be given to healthy peoples in the masses, who are mostly children, this is done to keep diseases from spreading and those diseases can not hurt people any more. She says that being worried about the safety of vaccines is a wise and therefore perfectly rightful obligation for people in the world. She also mentions that when precautionary signals arise, these things must be examined right away and with out any delay. She said that our concern is legitimate as our children get these vaccines and we need to protect them at any cost.

So, our concern for the vaccine is a legitimate one. This article has come up with it seems 5 distinct parental attitudes towards vaccinations, one is people who do not question it it’s important to have your kids get vaccinated when every its necessary, they are about 30-40 % then there are the cautious acceptor type they are about 25-35%. These are the parents and people whom might are concerned minimally but usually go forward with immunization by asking a question or two about the different side effects and disease risks of the vaccine. Another group is called the hesitant group about 20-30% who usually have important objection or worry about vaccination endangerment and benefits.

So, for some of these group of people one thing is the most important thing than anything else is trust in the doctor, if they ask some questions and they are satisfactorily and completely answered by their doctors or nurses then they will go ahead with the vaccination. There are another group who are called the late group or selective vaccinator who are comprised of about 2-27% of the population, this group particular worry in regards to some immunizing agent or questionable phenomena, like resistant burden, and these parents are usually very well-educated. They are some of the parents who needs the most time and need the most elaborated data about the medication pros and cons. They might also need to make another schedule to think and then come back to take the vaccine. The last one are the refuser who comprise of little less of the two percent they are oftentimes driven by their religion, philosophy, or some other beliefs. Usually this kind of radical people will never get vaccinated no matter what you do.

Sodha, S. V., & Dietz, V. (2015). Strengthening routine immunization systems to improve global vaccination coverage. British Medical Bulletin, 113(1), 5–14.

These days in developing countries the vaccine and the program for immunization has become very expensive. Where people other then the top 1 percent can not afford them any more. Our present-day worldwide immunization reporting calculation are an figuring 84% of children do not have 3 DTP medicine in the year that they are born, reason for this is because 14.8 million (68%) lived in countries like (India, Nigeria, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Indonesia, Vietnam, Mexico, South Africa and Kenya); more importantly, 10.9 million (50%) of these children are living in just three countries: India, Nigeria and Pakistan. Even though 129 (66%) countries come through and get ≥90% national DTP3 coverage in 2012, only 56 (29%) acquired ≥80% DTP3 coverage in all district, highlighting the need to reduce coverage disparities within countries. This disconnect between the national immunization coverage and subnational coverage highlights the current challenge faced by countries, which must address inequity between subnational levels to improve national coverage and to improve herd immunity.

Country ownership is currently a large barrier in several countries, particularly many of the countries that has the largest population of children who are not immunized. In these countries, not safe and inconvenience national preparation combined with faint capability for development their national policies has led to bad and improper governance of national immunization services. In laymen terms, what this means is that politics and money hungry people do not want to get the vaccines or immunization to the poor people for who the government pays for or for the people that WHO or other non-profitable organizations pay for as this money sometimes goes to one place and gets stuck there and never comes out. But there are also places where these things are very hard to get to like India, China, Bangladesh, Pakistan or some of the African regions or Nepal, some of these countries have secluded areas where foreigners are not allowed as they are war zones or difficult to get into as there are mountains or deserts or terrorist camps where even doctors or nurses are not allowed or trusted.

As per the article worldwide immunization amount has been considerably bettered from <5% of kids vaccinated in 1974 to 84% DTP3 kids covered in 2013, but many different objection still are not solved because to improve the coverage of global immunization we are still not fully there yet. Besides the exploding quality and cost of contemporary day immunization method, so many different possibilities exist to modify everyday immunization systems with accrued resource through different opportunities and worldwide business organizations. But for our world wide immunization coverage to change for the better in a major way, many different organizations and people and their attempts will be necessary in so many different areas where we will need to be custom-made to the particular necessity of particular people and for certain different developing or developed countries.