M8A1: Create a 4-6 page paper applying discipline theories to current issues in ethics within the context of the National Security profession.Use the following guidelines to frame your papeM8A1: Final


Soldiers in Combat Facing Ethical Dilemmas Including Self-Values and Ethics Outline

Student's Name,

Professor's Name,



Research Paper Outline

  1. Title and Area of focus: Soldiers in Combat Facing Ethical Dilemmas Including Self-Values and Ethics Outline

In contemporary times, soldiers operating across a broad spectrum of conflict scenarios have had to grapple with the reality of making moral choices in combat. These ethical dilemmas present difficult selections that are all too common in nearly all levels of military organization. This research paper will thus explore the ethical dilemmas that soldiers face while on the battle field and how this encapsulates self-values and ethics.

Thesis statement: This essay, thus, seeks to embark on an in-depth analysis of soldiers in combat facing ethical dilemmas that hinge on self-values and ethics, in addition to providing an evaluation of whether or not military personnel level of decision-making skills is adequate.

  1. Claims Emerging from the Aforementioned Thesis Statement

  1. Claim 1: Civilian-military relations have long been ignored by the upper echelons of military leadership and the primary reason why soldiers are faced with difficult ethical dilemmas while in combat situations. Nonetheless, ethics still present a gray area that has not been fully explored and a course of concern for most military experts.

  2. Claim 2: Ethical dilemmas are a reality that most military personnel have to contend with specifically because guiding ethics are non-existent in the military community. The education and training that military currently receive is a lopsided approach that is mostly centered on combat related activities. Military personnel are therefore left exposed and unprepared for situations that may require them to ponder seriously about self-values and ethics.

  3. Claim 3: Ethical-decision making skills are a basic requirement for all command and control elements in a military organization. The assumption that only junior officers require education on ethical matters is a misguided axiom that may ultimately compromise the integrity of a military organization. A holistic methodology is thus an important step in the right direction that will make certain that all players are well-versed in what is expected of them.

  1. Evidence Collected

  1. Civilian-military relations have long been ignored by the upper echelons of military leadership and the primary reason why soldiers are faced with difficult ethical dilemmas while in combat situations.

Evidence: A comparative look at soldier’s code of conduct from all countries with an active military presence reveals that guiding ethics are not underscored. For instance, the typical assumption in the United States has always been that military personnel in various platoons, crews, units and companies are well aware of their oath of allegiance and rules of engagement. This may be far from being true.

  1. Ethical dilemmas are a reality that most military personnel have to contend with specifically because guiding ethics are non-existent in the military community.

Evidence: The U.S-led intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan in the wake of September 9/11 revealed the ethical dilemmas that military personal had to deal with during combat since guiding principles were virtually non-existent. It is for this very reason that various human rights violations were reported in these regions since soldiers were prone to using excessive force even on the civilian population.

  1. Ethical-decision making skills are a basic requirement for all command and control elements in a military organization

Evidence: The Dutch Armed Forces is among the first military units to acknowledge that an all-rounded approach is required when preparing soldiers for combat. Their ethical-decision making skills therefore include transparency, responsibility and integrity while on the battle-field.


A summary of all arguments made in the research paper together with a restatement of the above-mentioned the thesis statement. Pertinent recommendations will also be listed in this section of the paper for posterity.


All information from secondary sources in the course of formulating this research paper will be cited suitably in strict adherence to the American Psychological Society (APA) referencing style. Cataloguing these sources will ensure that responsible scholarly credit is rendered to researchers while also conceding the fidelity of their ideas.