Hello, I’m doing Annotated Bibliography research paper on Jewelry mostly diamonds!Purpose: The purpose of the annotated bibliography is to summarize the sources that you have gathered to support you

Museum Visit

The aim of this paper is to gain familiarity with one work of art created during the time period we are surveying in class and to study its presentation within the museum context. You must visit the Philadelphia Museum of Art, select ONE (1) of the artworks listed below and write an analysis of the work in which you discuss how the artist designed the composition (formal qualities) so as to most effectively convey the particular subject.

George MorlandHello, I’m doing Annotated Bibliography research paper on Jewelry mostly diamonds!Purpose: The purpose of the annotated bibliography is to summarize the sources that you have gathered to support you 1

The Stagecoach (Gallery 280) M1928-1-18

In Section 1 write a formal and subject analysis of the object. Begin by LOOKING and studying design elements such as line, color, tone, center of interest, scale, etc., and how the artist makes use of the medium. As you develop the formal analysis, you must also discuss how the artist’s design decisions influenced presentation of the subject matter. This will require you to explain what the subject is (or what you think it might be), based on your observations and research. (5 pages) (12 points – you get a point for each substantive observation – that means something that is borne out by the design or content of the artwork; and points for explaining what the story is (where it came from) and how the artwork tells the story)

For examples of how formal and subject analysis intertwine, check out the analyses of these PMA works:

Van der Weyden, Crucifixion https://www.philamuseum.org/collections/permanent/102845.html?mulR=813338259|7

Rubens, Prometheus https://www.philamuseum.org/collections/permanent/104468.html?mulR=780083637|37

You will need to do some research about the subject. You may NOT use Wikipedia. Acceptable sources are the Encyclopedia Britannica and the Grove Dictionary of Art, both of which are available via Drexel’s on-line resources. You may also cite from the PMA’s website (or the gallery label) and one other museum website. No other kinds of websites may be cited (ie no blogs or similar non-adjudicated sources). You must properly footnote** the source every time you obtained information about the object.

For Section 2, you must explore other museum websites and select TWO (2) artworks from the same time period as the work you are writing about (they don’t have to come from the same region but must be from Europe) that you could use as comparatives to more fully understand the work about which you are writing. Please provide an image of each artwork, the basic catalogue information for that object and TWO (2) sentences for each work explaining why you selected them. The comparatives do not have to be in the same medium as the PMA object, but if either is not, you must explain why you selected an example in that medium. (1 page per work = 2 pages) (1 point each for the object; 2 points for each explanatory sentence = 6 points)

Grading Rubric:

  • Points will be given for substantive observations and relevant information about the work’s subject

  • You will lose .25 points for each typo, spelling error, and poor grammar or word choice – all things that can be avoided by proofreading the paper before you submit it

  • You will lose .25 points for failing to footnote and for any incorrectly formatted footnote

  • You will lose .25 points for failing to label the file as requested.

  • Late papers will lose .5 points per day past the due date.l

** What a footnote should be:

  • Anything that is not YOUR own personal observation should be footnoted (especially any historical information - if you have to ask “How do I know this?” – it needs a footnote!)

  • Make sure you format the footnote with the same font as the rest of your paper

  • Make sure the note includes all the relevant information about the publication

Not sure how to format? Check out - http://www.easybib.com/guides/citation-guides/chicago-turabian/footnotes/

On-line resources make it easy – just find the “Citation Info” link

For a gallery label, you can simply write: Museum label for artist, Title of artwork, Philadelphia Museum of Art, [date accessed/visited]