class name: World Civilizations Since the 16th Century (3)this is an one hr exam only..Exam will start on 3/5 2:30-3:30 pm   (GMT-8)  will have mcq + 2-4 short answers questions.the doc i attached

History 110B Midterm 1 Study Questions
Why did Europe emerge as a dominant player in world affairs beginning in the 1400s?
Who was Henry the Navigator?
What did Vasco da Gama do?
Who was Bartolomeo Diaz?
What was the Reconquista?
Why did people think Columbus was mistaken in his views about reaching the Spice Islands?
Why did Ferdinand and Isabella (aka Fernando and Isabel) take a chance on him?
What is the Columbian Exchange? What were its consequences for the Old and New Worlds?
Who was Ferdinand Magellan and what did he do?
Who was James Cook and what did he do?
What was a “trading post empire”?
What was the Seven Years War?  What were its consequences?
Why didn’t native peoples successfully defend their lands from the Europeans?
How did the European colonies in America differ from one another?
Who was Hernan Cortes?
Who was Francisco Pizarro?
What problems in the Catholic Church led to the Protestant Reformation?
Who was Johannes Tetzel?
Who was Martin Luther and what did he do?
How, according to Luther, were Christians supposed to find salvation?
What was the Diet of Worms?
Why wasn’t Luther crushed like many other reformers?
Who was Frederick of Saxony? 
What was the Counter-Reformation?
What was Ignatius Loyola known for?
What was the Catholic Reformation?
What was the Council of Trent? What did they decide there?
What were the consequences of the Reformation for Europe?
Who was John Calvin?
What did Henry VIII do?
Who was Elizabeth I?
What and when (approximately) was the Spanish Inquisition?  Who was Charles V?  Why was everybody afraid of him?
Who was Philip II?
What was the Spanish Armada?
Why, according to scholars was there a dramatic rise in concern about witchcraft in Europe in the 1500s and 1600s?
What factors explain the rise of new ways of thinking in the 1500s in Europe?
Who was Claudius Ptolemy?
What is an epicycle?
Who was Nicolas Copernicus? What new idea did he come up with?
Who was Tyco Brahe?
Who was Johannes Kepler and what did he discover?
Who was Galileo Galilei and why did he get in trouble with the Catholic Church?
Who was Isaac Newton?
What happened during the English Civil War?
What is the Enlightenment?
Who was René de Cartes?
Who was Thomas Hobbes and what did he write?
What was the Glorious Revolution?
Who was John Locke and what did he write?
What was Absolutism? How was it practiced in France?
Where did Peter the Great rule?  What did he try to do with his country?
Who was Catherine the Great and what did she try to accomplish?
Who was Mansa Musa?
Who was Sunni Ali?
Who was King Affonso I of Kongo?Who was Olaudah Equiano?
How did the slave trade affect African Societies?
What is the Dynastic Cycle?
Who was Hongwu?
What were the Chinese Civil Service Exams?
Who was Zheng He and what did he do?
What was Matteo Ricci responsible for?
Who were the Manchus and where did they come from?
What was different about the Qing Dynasty in Chinese History?
Who was Kangxi?
Who was Qianlong?
What was foot binding?  Who engaged in it?
What important thing did Tokugawa Ieyasu do?
What happened at the Battle of Sekigahara?
What was the Shogunate?
Where is Edo?
What does Daimyo mean?
What was the Songhay Empire?
Who was Sunni Ali?
Who was Afonso I?
What was notable about Queen Nzinga?
Who was Olaudah Equiano?
What empire did Osman Bey found?
What is a Janissary?
What was the Devshirme?
Where is Istanbul?
Who was Mehmed II? 
Who was Selim the Grim?
Who was Suleyman (aka the Magnificent, aka the Lawgiver)?
Why did the Ottoman’s go into decline?
Who was Shah Ismail?  What empire did he found?  
Where is Isfahan?
Where was Chaldiran     and what happened there?
Who was Shah Abbas?
Who was Babur? What empire did he found?
Who was Akbar? What was unusual about his beliefs?
Who was Shah Jahan and what was he most famous for?
Who was Aurangzeb and in what ways did he rule differently from his father and grandfather?
How was the American Revolution different from many other revolutions?
Why did relations between Britain’s North American colonies and the mother country deteriorate?
What were the Articles of Confederation?
What were the failures and weaknesses of the Articles?
How was the Constitution supposed to rectify them?
What role did personalities and ideals play in the success of the new American government?
How was French society different from American society?
Who was Louis XVI? What happened to him?
What was the Estates General?  Why was it called into session?
What was the Oath of the Tennis Court thing about?
What caused the storming of the Bastille and what were the consequences of it?
What events led up to the French Revolution?  
What was the National Assembly?
What did the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen say?
What led to the radicalization of the French Revolution? 
Who was Robiespierre?   What was the Terror?
Who was Napoleon?
How did the French Revolution end?
What was the Congress of Vienna?
Who was Toussaint L’oueverture?
Who was Simon Bolivar?
What was Gran Columbia?  Who was San Martin?  
Who were fathers Hidalgo and Morelos?
Who was Mazini?  Garibaldi?
Who was Wilhelm I?
Who was Otto von Bismarck?  What is Realpolitik?
What was the Franco-Prussian War?
What were some of the prerequisites of industrialization?
Who was James Watt?
Who was Adam Smith?
Who were the Luddites?
What was the Sadler Commission Report about?
Who was John Stuart Mill?
Where was New Lanark and why was it important?
Where did the Industrial Revolution start?
Who were Marx and Engels? What did the Communist Manifesto say?
Who were the Bourgeoisie? The Proletariat?