I have a project, details highlighted on attached document. Not more than one and a half pages.


Tell about your experience at the Early Learning Center. (I have included my experience below, which you can edit and include)

Compare the age group you observed with the theories of 2 different developmental theorists.

I observed infants 0-24 months, details below:

There were 3 babies

Baby 1

Was about 4 months old and able to lift her head and able to roll over from her back onto her tummy. She was starting to teeth and has given her a runny nose. They mostly had her on the mat with some rattle toys, she would look up towards my voice when I said hi or talked to her. The mat was next to a mirror and this seemed to fascinate the baby and every time she looked up to see her reflection, she would giggle. After an hour of play and feeding, she took a long nap.

Baby 2

Was about 6 months, immediately I walked into the room she made eye contact with me and started to cry. I think it was the presence of someone new that seemed to frighten her, she would not let me near her, and she cried every time I looked her direction, so I did not get to interact much with her. I did also notice that even with the other caregivers, when they were with her, she did not want to be put down, when they did, she would cry until one of them picked her up. She required full time attention. She eventually cried herself to sleep.

Baby 3

Was about 9 months and was in the process of learning to walk. He was dropped at the center when I was already there. Immediately, the mom put him on the mat, he crawled towards me and climbed onto my lap, he was easy to interact with and play with. He took all my energy, he wanted us to crawl on the floor and kept pulling my hand towards the toys he wanted us to explore. He was a fun baby. After about an hour, he was hungry and the caregiver took him to the baby chair for his lunch. He was able to use a spoon by himself and attempt to get the food into his mouth, what fell out, he would pick up with his hands. He did a pretty good job with the feeding.