Psychology Homework

Your report should include the following information:

a. Identify the psychological disorder that you have chosen to research. Bipolar Disorder

b. Discuss what the disorder is, signs, symptoms, prevalence, etc.

c. Discuss what causes or contributes to this disorder.

d. According to the DSM- IV- TR, what criteria have to be met in order for someone to have a diagnosis for this particular disorder?

e. How does this disorder affect people in their everyday lives?

f. What is the recommended treatment for this disorder?

g. Other interesting information that you find while researching this topic.

h. Include a paragraph that discusses societal views on psychological disorders.

All work is to be in your own words. You should use a minimum of two sources to research your information. Remember to use complete sentences, paragraph format, proper grammar, capitalization and punctuation. Don't forget to proofread and spell check your work before submitting it. Properly cite all sources.

Recommended length for this report is 500 words.