Track & Capstone Idea      After reading through the Capstone Guide,  post your initial (pre-official proposal) idea here to see if it passes  the sniff test. This is a public thread so that yo

MGMT-470: Business Management Capstone

Project Proposal Form

Please fill in all the designated sections of this form completely and thoughtfully. You should anticipate this taking 2-3 hours of thought and writing. All sections with a * are required. This form should be submitted as soon as possible.

Demographic | Background Information

  1. Today’s Date (mm/dd/yyyy)*

  2. Student’s Name (First - Last)*

  3. Student’s College Email Address*

  4. Student’s Preferred 10-digit Phone Number*

  5. Associate’s Degree Major (if applicable)

  6. Bachelor’s Degree Major*

  7. Bachelor’s Concentration / Specialization*

  8. Anticipated Graduation Date (mm/yyyy)*

  9. Current Employer (if applicable)

  10. Current Position / Title (if applicable)

  11. Main Duties / Responsibilities

Capstone Project Track Choice*

(place an “X” in the empty box of your choice)

Track 1: Independent Learning Activity

Track 2: Employer-Sponsored, Task-Focused, Work-Based Learning Activity

Track 3: Employer-Sponsored, Career Exploration Work-Based Learning Activity

(Page left intentionally blank)

Track 1: Independent Learning Activity

(This section is required only if you choose Track 1: Independent Learning Activity as your project choice. If you have not chosen Track 1, please leave this page blank and move to the appropriate Track of your choice)

  1. PROPOSAL: Summarize your proposal activity in one short statement (what are you proposing to accomplish?)

  1. BACKGROUND: What industry/field of business is this activity connected to? Where did you hear about it? What makes this topic so important?

  1. CORE RESEARCHABLE PROBLEM OR CORE OPPORTUNITY: What specific researchable problem, or opportunity will you be researching, analyzing, and addressing?

  1. STATEMENT OF PERSONAL INTEREST AND JUSTIFICATION: How did you choose this activity? What inspires you to pursue it?k How are you qualified to pursue it? Will anyone else benefits from it (if so, how?).In addition to answering these questions, include your personal and/or professional goals, and include the appropriate Essential Competencies you will cover.

  1. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY & PROCEDURES: What types of data are needed to address your core problem or opportunity? What research tools will you use to collect them?

  1. RESULTS: What tangible written outcome will you have to show at the end of the course? A thesis? A business plan? A certification? Be explicit.

Track 2: Employer-Sponsored, Task-Focused, Work-Based Learning Activity

(This section is required only if you choose Track 2. If you have not chosen Track 2, please leave this page blank and move to the appropriate Track of your choice)

  1. RATIONALE: Please explain why you chose this specific field experience

  1. MAJOR RANKED GOALS: Include personal, professional / career development goals. Rank them in order from most relevant/important to least relevant/important.

  1. TASK & TIME: What will you be performing to achieve your major ranked goals? Provide time estimates for each task.

  1. PERSONAL | PROFESSIONAL OUTCOMES & COMPETENCIES: What specific outcomes or tangible results do you expect by the end of the project for your personal and professional development? Also, choose and explain at least 5 of the Ten Essential Competencies you will be covering.

  1. EMPLOYER OUTCOMES: What specific outcomes or tangible results do you expect by the end of the project for your employer?

Track 3: Employer-Sponsored, Career Exploration Work-Based Learning Activity

(This section is required only if you choose Track 3. If you have not chosen Track 3, please leave this page blank and move to the appropriate Track of your choice)

  1. INTERESTS: Please state the career goals/plans/interests which you plan to explore during this field experience.

  1. MAJOR RANKED GOALS: Include your personal, professional / career development goals. Rank them in order from most relevant/important to least relevant/important.

  1. TASK & TIME: What will you be performing to achieve your major ranked goals? Provide time estimates for each task.

  1. PERSONAL | PROFESSIONAL OUTCOMES & COMPETENCIES: What specific outcomes or tangible results do you expect by the end of the project for your personal and professional development? Also, choose and explain at least 5 of the Ten Essential Competencies you will be covering.

  1. EMPLOYER OUTCOMES: What specific outcomes or tangible results do you expect by the end of the project for your employer?

Reading & Resource List (all students)*

Please provide a detailed estimation of the resources and research materials you will use to complete your capstone project. This can include everything from the databases you plan on using for peer-reviewed research, to the manuals you plan on using during your fieldwork experience. Put some time into this section and really think about what you’ll need to accomplish your tasks. No resource is too insignificant.

  • Reading List

Books, trade journals, databases, websites, industry reports, employer orientation materials, study materials (etc.) that will strengthen your knowledge and substantiate your capstone project. Please provide a brief explanation of each.

  • Resource List

People, information, time, money, equipment (etc.) that you will need to successfully complete your capstone. Please provide a brief explanation of each.