Intro to public speaking Pre-Speech Assistance ChartBuilding upon this week’s lectures and reading, you will complete a chart that will assist you in your upcoming speeches. The purpose of this c

Assignment 3: Pre-Speech Worksheet

Pre-Speech Worksheet

Complete the following document, providing as much detail as possible. Please note that this assignment has three parts.

PART 1. Here, you will briefly define your chosen speech topic and provide your specific goal.

Informative Speech Preparation (week 6)



My chosen speech topic for the informative speech is:
I am credible to talk about this topic because:
My specific goal for this speech is:

To inform my audience about (insert your topic here), in an effort to

Persuasive Speech Preparation (week 7)



My chosen speech topic for the informative speech is:
I am credible to talk about this topic because:
My specific goal for this speech is:

To persuade my audience about (insert your topic here), in an effort to

PART 2. Below, you will identify a minimum of five potential sources per speech. At least three of these sources must be scholarly (which means they come from academic journals through Grantham’s library databases); two additional sources can come from reputable online sources. You must cite these sources in proper APA.
For help with APA citations, you can visit the OWL at Purdue online resource guide or the Grantham University library resources.

Informative Speech Sources

APA Citation


Wagner, P. E. (2017). Bulking up (identities): A communication framework for male fitness identity. Communication Quarterly, 65, 580-602. Doi: 10.1080/01463373.2017.1321027

Library Resource 1

Library Resource 2

Library Resource 3

Additional Resource 1

Additional Resource 2

Persuasive Speech Sources

APA Citation


Wagner, P. E. (2017). Bulking up (identities): A communication framework for male fitness identity. Communication Quarterly, 65, 580-602. Doi: 10.1080/01463373.2017.1321027

Library Resource 1

Library Resource 2

Library Resource 3

Additional Resource 1

Additional Resource 2

PART 3. Copy and paste your APA citations from above; then, write out source citations as you would say them in a speech. Remember, though we use APA citation style for written citations (such as in an outline or a research paper), we must convey that information orally. Please review this week’s materials for suggestions and requirements when citing orally. Then, below, write out (as if you were developing a script) those citations if they were to appear in a speech. Please do not use the exact same format for each oral citation; it is important to vary up your language.

Informative Speech Sources

APA Citation

Oral Citation (What you would say if citing this source in a speech)


Wagner, P. E. (2017). Bulking up (identities): A communication framework for male fitness identity. Communication Quarterly, 65, 580-602. Doi: 10.1080/01463373.2017.1321027

“According to Wagner in a 2017 article titled “Bulking up identities: A communication framework for male fitness identity,” fitness and masculinity are intricately related to each other”

Library Resource 1

Library Resource 2

Library Resource 3

Additional Resource 1

Additional Resource 2

Persuasive Speech Sources

APA Citation

Oral Citation (What you would say if citing this source in a speech)


Wagner, P. E. (2017). Bulking up (identities): A communication framework for male fitness identity. Communication Quarterly, 65, 580-602. Doi: 10.1080/01463373.2017.1321027

“According to Wagner in a 2017 article titled “Bulking up identities: A communication framework for male fitness identity,” fitness and masculinity are intricately related to each other”

Library Resource 1

Library Resource 2

Library Resource 3

Additional Resource 1

Additional Resource 2