QSO 360 Assign2-3Review the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric and the critical elements you must address in order to be successful, and address the following:Identify a process you intend to improve

QSO 36 0 Jou rnal Gu ideline s and Rub ric Jou rna l activities in this cou rse are private between you an d the instructor. This jou rna l will allow you the oppo rtunity to review the Fina l Project Guidelines an d Rub ric an d discuss ideas for you r project with you r instructor. Review the Fina l Project Guidelines an d Rub ric an d the cri tical elements you must add ress in order to be successful, an d add ress the following: 1. Identify a process you intend to im prove using the five pha ses laid ou t in the DMAIC method . This may be a process tha t is related to you r work environ ment, or a process you wan t to im prove in you r persona l life, such as being on time for work. 2. Develop a prob lem stat ement includ ing the description of w ha t is “going wr on g” an d when this prob lem was first identified. Guidelines for Submission: Submi t assignment as a Word document. Critical Element s Proficien t (100 %) Need s Imp rovemen t (75 %) No t Eviden t (0%) Va lue Proce ss Identifies a process tha t can be im proved using the five pha ses laid ou t in the DMAIC metho d Identifies a process bu t lacks detail required to determine whether it can be im proved using the five pha ses laid ou t in the DMAIC metho d Does no t identify a process tha t can be im proved using the five pha ses laid ou t in the DMAIC metho d 45 Prob lem Statemen t Develop s a prob lem stat ement tha t includ es a description of the prob lem an d when it w as identified Develop s a prob lem stat ement, bu t prob lem stat ement lacks detail Does no t develop a prob lem stat ement 45 Articulation of Re spon se Jou rna l Assignment is mostly free of errors of organ izat ion an d gramm ar; errors are margi na l an d rarely interrup t the flow Jou rna l Assignment conta ins errors of organ izat ion an d gramm ar, bu t they are limi ted enou gh so tha t the Assignment can be und erstoo d Jou rna l Assignment conta ins errors of organ izat ion an d grammar making the Assignment difficult to und erstan d 10 Total 100%