Write a paper about the political party that are active today , use MLA format , it has to be more than 2 pages , usecitation , and answer the following questionsThe paper has to answer the following

Flowchart and subroutines


  1. Develop a flowchart chart for a given problem statement

  2. Develop a PIC assembly language program for a given flowchart

  3. Develop subroutines in PIC assembly language programming


Flowcharts are used in designing and documenting complex processes or programs. Like other types of diagrams, they help visualize what is going on and thereby help to understand a process, and perhaps also find flaws.


The major symbols are the DECISION (also known as selection) and the SEQUENCE (or process) symbols. The START and STOP symbols are called the terminals. The SUBPROCESS symbol is a variation on the sequence symbol. There are also connectors drawn between the symbols and you will see these used in the examples below.

Repeat loop- Note that the repeat loop has the process preceding the decision. This means that a repeat loop will always execute the process part at least once. Write a paper about the political party that are active today , use MLA format , it has to be more than 2 pages , usecitation , and answer the following questionsThe paper has to answer the following 1


The subroutine is an important part of any computer system's architecture. A subroutine is a group of instructions that usually performs one task, it is a reusable section of the software that is stored in memory once, but used as often as necessary. This saves memory space and makes it easier to develop software.

In the PIC 16F84 the CALL instruction is used when calling a subroutine, saving the current program counter so that the Return operation knows where to restore the program counter. This is accomplished automatically (as part of the CALL instruction) pushing the return address onto the Stack, then when a Return instruction is executed, this address is popped off the stack and put into the program counter.


Provide answers to the following questions:

  1. How to access SFR in Bank1 in the PIC16F84A

  2. Write instruction to set pin 0, 1, 2 of PORTA as input pins and pins 3,4 of PORTA as output pins.

  3. Write a subroutine called SETPORT that set the pins of PORTA according to 2 and PORTB as output port.

  4. Draw a flowchart for continuously monitoring pin 0 of PORTA. If RA0=1, then continue next task, otherwise, keep reading RA0.

  5. Draw a flowchart to implement the following table:


00 0

01 1

10 2

11 3

  1. Draw a flowchart to implement tasks in 3, 4, and 5 as one system.