PROMPT: Developmental Changes in Reaction TimeVisit the following website and follow the directions on screen to complete the Reaction Time Test. Record your times for each trial, as well as your end

Developmental Changes in Reaction Time

Visit the following website and follow the directions on screen to complete the Reaction Time Test. Record your times for each trial, as well as your ending average time.

Next, ask two other people to complete the exercise and record their times. This can include spouses, family members, friends, co-workers, or whomever you wish. However, make every attempt to ensure that these people differ from you in age. Preferably attempt to recruit people who are 10 years (or more) apart from you in age (either older or younger). Doing so will help you to better answer the required questions.

Complete the worksheet BELOW!!!!!



Assignment Title:

Exercise Results:

Your own Average Reaction Time: ________________

Person #1 Average Reaction Time: ________________

Person #2 Average Reaction Time: ________________

As per your readings and your own research on the subject matter, answer the following questions:

Briefly (3 sentences) summarize your results and the results of your two subjects (be sure to list your age and the ages of your two subjects). What similarities and differences did you note between everyone’s average reaction time?

Briefly (3 sentences) describe what the research literature shows us about trends in reaction time as we move through adulthood toward old age.

Explain ( 4 sentences), in your own words the relevancy of reaction time to “real life.” Provide one example in real life where reaction time could affect one’s life positively or negatively. Why is reaction time important?