1. write down 1 page(400 words) essay  2. read articles and write1 paragraph review for each article  Investigate the climate at your locality by compiling data on the maximum and minimum annual

Mar 12 at 7:38pm

Manage Discussion Entry

Connecticut, March 1975-2019 Record Climate 

It was very interesting to look at the climate change that has happened throughout my area of Connecticut. I decided to research the maximum and minimum annual temperatures all the way back to March,1975. It’s interesting to see the temperature and rainfall fluctuate each year. During March 1976, there would be an average temperature of 75° F. It would also show the max precipitation during this month to be 0.46 inches. The next following years there would be a constant max temperature around 30° F.

Throughout the early 1980’s in March, the maximum temperature and minimum temperature would fluctuate. The maximum temperature would be in the mid 60’s and the minimum temperature would be in the low 30’s. There wouldn't be too much rainfall either. Throughout the late 1980’s in March, the maximum temperature would be in the mid 70’s and the minimum temperature would be in the low 20’s. Throughout the early 1990’s in March, the maximum temperature would change ever year and be between the high 50’s, 60’s and 70’s. The minimum would be in the high 20’s and low 30’s. In the March 1998, the maximum temperature would be 84 ° F and in 1999, it would be 71° F. They would have about the same minimum in both of these years.

In the early 2000’s the rainfall would stay about the same in March and have a maximum of 1.50 inches of rainfall. During the early 2000’s in March, maximum temp would be in the 60’s and minimum temp would be in the low 30’s; these temperatures would be consistent. The maximum and minimum in March 2010 and 2012 would be about the same, the maximum would be 77 ° F and the minimum would be in the low 30’s. The last few years the temperatures weren't that consistent, the maximum temperature in 2016 was 78 ° F and the minimum was 34° F. In 2018, the maximum temperature was 59° F and the minimum temperature was 30 ° F.

I can definitely see evidence of global warming while looking at the local climate record throughout the past 40 years. It’s eye opening to see how different each decade and certain years can be from one another. There are some years in March that the temperatures were in the 80’s but other times in the March the temperatures were in the low 50’s. The amount of rainfall also fluctuates a lot, there were some years were there was more than 3.00 inches of rainfall and others where it was less than 0.30 inches. It seems to me that the temperatures are rising ever year and this climate record definitely shows the evidence.