GRANT PROPOSAL TOPIC***My project idea is developing a grant that will assist with disruptive/unruly high school students. Once this proposal is developed and funded it will assist schools and their t


***My project idea is developing a grant that will assist with disruptive/unruly high school students. Once this proposal is developed and funded it will assist schools and their teachers with methods that will allow them to be more in control of their classrooms which will ultimately promote effectiveness and a higher graduation rate. Better classroom management techniques will be more appealing to stakeholders and other organizations because it will make education in the public school system more marketable when compared to private schools.

****** Please see the attached example sent by the teacher. This assignment needs to be set up like the provided example. Make sure to focus on teachers with disruptive students and how to solve/correct the problem. Include resources that you have found with pertinent information******

Assignment 1: Final Project: Writing the Grant Part 1: Needs Statement, Goals, and Objectives

This week, you begin work on your Final Project. The Final Project consists of three written assignments that culminate in the submission of your grant proposal to your Instructor in Module 6. Parts 1, 2, and 3 will focus on major elements required of all proposals. In the final Grant Proposal Submission, incorporating the cumulative feedback you receive from your Instructor, you will compile these elements into your grant proposal.

The three parts of the Final Project are:

  • Part 1: Needs Statement, Goals, and Objectives (Due Module 2)

For this Assignment:

  • Review the Final Project Guidelines located in this module’s Learning Resources.

  • Download a copy of your selected RFP. You will use this document to guide, focus, and support the development of all parts of your Final Project. Keep in mind as you complete your Final Project assignments that you are writing in accordance with the requirements of the RFP. You must also include the use of evidence-based practice in the literature review.

  • Consider feedback to Discussion 1 from colleagues and your Instructor and your continued evaluation of the literature and funder guidelines; then finalize your needs statement, project goals, and objectives.

  • Keep in mind that the needs statement must prove that it addresses funder interests as well as establish the specific problem the proposal will address.

Keep in mind that objectives must be specific and measurable and lead directly to your goals.

In 3–4 pages, excluding APA references, address the following:

  • Write your Needs Statement. Substantiate the need by presenting proof of need. Keep in mind that the Needs Statement must reflect best practices in grant writing.

  • Next, using bullets, list your goals, then your objectives, and finally your evaluation criteria for each one.

*Goal #1

*Goal #2

*Goal #3

*Objective 1

*Objective 2

*Objective 3

*Evaluation Criteria #1,n

*Evaluation Criteria #2,n

*Evaluation Criteria #3,n

It is imperative that your needs statement, goals, objectives, and evaluation criteria align.

For example, Goal #1, Objective #1, and Evaluation Criteria #1 must align and collectively meet the needs statement.

When developing your objectives, use the SMART objectives framework; list each of your project objectives.

  • Project objectives must be specific.

  • Project objectives must be measurable.

  • Project objectives must be achievable.

  • Project objectives must be realistic.

  • Project objectives must be time-based.


Gitlin, L. N., & Lyons, K. J. (2014). Successful grant writing: Strategies for health and human service professionals (4th ed.). New York, NY: Springer.

  • Chapter 5, “Common Sections of Proposals,” pp. 79–104

  • Chapter 6, “Strategies for Effective Writing,” pp. 105–115

  • Chapter 7, “Common Pitfalls in Proposal Writing,” p. 117–124

  • Chapter 8, “Writing Considerations for Specific Research Proposals,” pp. 125–133

Blanco, M. A., Gruppen, L. D., Artino, A. R., Jr., Uijtdehaage, S., Szauter, K., & Durning, S. J. (2015). How to write an educational research grant: AMEE Guide No. 101. Medical Teacher, 38(2), 113–122. doi:10.3109/0142159X.2015.1087483

Devine, E. B. (2009). The art of obtaining grants. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 66, 580–587. doi:10.2146/ajhp070320

Stokes, K. (2012). Writing clear statements of needs and goals for grant proposals. AMWA Journal: American Medical Writers Association Journal, 27(1), 25–28.