Now that you have conceptualized your project, it is time to add more details to your project by incorporating time and cost estimates. Specifically, you will use ProjectLibre to create a work breakdo

Running Head: PROJECT WORK 1


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PRM 300 Week 2 - Project Scope Template

Section 1 - Project Overview:

Project Name

Kids of the millennium

Project Manager

Trisha Hazzard



Project Sponsor

The CEO James Peterson

Document ver. #


Project Scope


Searching for a building that will hold different rooms for different grades. Hiring qualified teachers through lengthy process. There will be a budget needed as well as décor furniture.

SECTION 2 - Project Details:

High-level of Work Breakdown Structure

  1. Scooping and Planning the project

  2. Finding a spacious building that is away from noise and air pollution

  3. Accessing the floor space of the new building

  4. Marking the classes, offices, laboratories, library, kitchen among other rooms

  5. Purchase of new furniture

  6. Hiring of teachers

  7. Document filling


  1. All the necessary planning and occupancy permits are in place

  2. The teachers hiring team will follow the guidelines and requirements

  3. That the building will be away from noise pollution and air pollution.

  4. That the building will be able to accommodate all the classes and offices.

  5. That the grants will have been successful

  6. That the building will not be far away which might increase the transportation cost of the school children


  1. Velma Norton - Headmistress

  2. Simon Davis- Deputy

  3. Julius James- Hiring board chairman

  4. Salome Colt- Head of IT

Time estimate

6 months

Cost estimate

Hiring of teachers= $50,000

Insurance needs= $10,000

Furniture and supplies = $100000

Total= 160,000


  1. Finalization of the floor plan

  2. Buying of supplies and furniture

  3. Hiring of qualified teachers

  4. Moving the children into the new place

Out of Scope


  1. Reviewing policies such as response and security in the building of choice.

  2. Checking the ventilations or the air movement in the building of choice

  3. Checking at the parking area of the school bus

  4. Making sure all agreements have been covered.

Project Acceptance Criteria

After hiring the teachers who are qualified through the right procedure, the next thing will be purchasing the supplies and the furniture. They will then be taken to the new building where arrangements will take place. The new employed teachers will then familiarize with their new places of work and the children will start their education immediately.