In one page or less:Should the Cash Bail System be stopped? Why or Why Not? Research the current issue with persons detained having the right to a cash bail system. (Remember that this right is writt

Current Issue #3

One page only

Each student is responsible for finding an article from the Wall Street Journal that relates to agricultural policy or trade and writing a short review. These current issues will help enhance your appreciation for the role policy plays in our everyday lives. Each student is responsible for turning in a typed synopsis of the article or news story. Each synopsis should contain the author, title, and media source. Your synopsis should be no longer than one typed page in length.

Grading rubric

Current Issues Rubric

Current Issues Rubric




This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCurrent Issue-Brief summary of the article

50.0 pts

Article clearly summarized with all relevant information necessary for full understanding.

25.0 pts

Article summarized with enough relevant information so that understanding is not seriously impeded by omissions.

12.5 pts

Article was minimally summarized & could have used more attention to detail

50.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBasic information included

50.0 pts

Student included author and source of the article

25.0 pts

Student included author or source of the article

0.0 pts

Student did not include author or source of the article

50.0 pts

Total Points: 100.0