Emergency health disasters can occur when least expected. As evidenced by the readings, it is important to anticipate and prepare for such events. Develop an Emergency Operations Plan, outlining disa

For this portion of the exam, you will watch a specific TedTalk video and then, answer the following questions. Write your answers under each question on this document.

Step 1: Watch TedTalk clip.

TedTalk Video: https://www.ted.com/talks/stella_young_i_m_not_your_inspiration_thank_you_very_much

Speaker: Stella Young

Publication Year: April 2014

Step 2: Answer the following questions. Answer need to be atleast the length of a paragraph to be considered as complete (*except for question 3). You do not need in-text citations, but do not plagiarize.

  • How would you evaluate this video clip as source? Reference the ABC’s of source quality from Ch 7 in your response.

  • How do you evaluate the credibility of the speaker? Support your answer by discussing two out of the four components of source credibility (competence, character, connection, & caring; Ch 11) and relate it back to the Speaker’s performance.

  • What is the Speakers thesis statement? *This answer only needs to be one sentence.

  • Would you consider this a persuasive speech? Why?