Hello!I need to write an 8000 words senior project/dissertation on the topic for the 31st of March.I am an international business management and law student so the paper should reflect that. The topic

MGT 6297 Senior Project in Business & Management

Spring 2019


Proposed Senior Project Title: The management of waste from mining operations: a sociological and legal perspective

1. What objectives do you wish to achieve through the completion of the Senior Project?

Through the completion of my Senior Project, I wish to gain a major understanding of the researched topic due to my interest in social responsibility cases. Moreover, I would like to conduct an in dept research in order to assemble my four years experience at Richmond University. I believe that the Senior Project is a challenging opportunity to demonstrate all the knowledge obtained during my journey. My main objective is to demonstrate the relevance and role of the compliance sector nowadays towards the completion of a more socially responsible world. I am analysing the mining sector as it is closely connected to the topic.

2. What work is proposed to achieve the objectives stated above? (Define the work you have specifically in mind: will you need to develop a literature review? if your work is empirically based will developing a section on methodology be required?)

I am intended to analyse multiple data internationally in order to understand how mining companies manage waste in order to comply with the legal requirements and social responsibilities. My work will be mainly composed by an in depth analysis of previous works and articles together with my knowledge on how to connect the various aspects with the legal perspective.

Supervisor (First Grader)/Moderator: ( ) / XY

Areas of Assessment


1st Grader’s comments

2nd Grader’s comments

1. Quality of Underlying Thesis/arguments

  • Provides a convincing interpretation of the question and explains why this is important to write about.

  • Provides a clear thesis statement/argument, or hypothesis, to be investigated ideally within an organizational/management context.

  • Provides a succinct summary of the key arguments which the research will subsequently explore.

  • Explains key business and management concepts that will be used in the research (this can be done here, or in the beginning of the discussion section).

  • Some comparative discussion included.

Excellent: At least 3-4 of the above is present and well-written.
Good-Satisfactory: One or two of the above are missing

Poor: Two or more of the above are missing and/or writing style makes it difficult to understand what is being argued.

GRADE (10%)

2. Discussion/

Body (Analytical Framework, Literature Review, Methodology, appropriate feasibility ‘research’)

  • Demonstrates understanding of the topic and any relevant literature, when appropriate.

  • Key terms/concepts/models are defined/explained (this may have been done in introduction).

  • When relevant provides a consistent theoretical analysis; alternatively, the research offers opportunities for reflection on the management outcomes highlighted within the context of available academic and/or management theory.

  • Provides a robust methodology, or evidence of how the business and management issues has been explored.

  • When relevant provides empirical evidence which is appropriate and clearly explained.

  • Some of the analysis is comparative in nature.
    nb. Some flexibility is possible where little or no empirical evidence is provided but theoretical analysis is particularly strong (or vice-versa)

Excellent: Does all of the above. Outstanding senior projects will clarify how they add to the existing debate and use a variety of academic and management-based sources beyond what was given in the suggested reading list.

Very good: Does all the above, possibly with some minor flaws in the provision of evidence.

Good-Satisfactory: Does most of the above, with some limitations in the argument or evidence.
Poor: Theoretical and/or management arguments not logically developed. Empirical evidence provided is misrepresented or of questionable relevance.

GRADE (60%)

3. Conclusion/

Policy Recommendations, any emerging management advice

Makes a serious effort with the following:

  • Reiterates key arguments in support of thesis/argument.

  • Provides valid recommendations.

  • Provides strong conclusions.

  • Provides recommendations for further research and exploration of business and management issues.

Excellent: The above is present and well-written.
Good-Satisfactory: Key arguments are reiterated and linked to the thesis.

Poor: Key arguments are not clearly re-stated or linked to the thesis. Writing style makes it difficult to understand what is being concluded.

GRADE (10%)

4. Overall Structure

  • Uses appropriate format and presents items in a logical structure.

  • Writing is clear and concise.

  • Ensures correct spelling, grammar and punctuation.

  • Uses Harvard referencing correctly.

  • Demonstrates effective time management and organizational skills.

  • Demonstrates skills of working independently.

  • Demonstrates ability to develop strong analytical skills through listening and reflecting.

Excellent: All of the above is present with no or very few small errors.
Good-Satisfactory: All of the above is present with a few errors in structure or format.

Poor: Significant problems in layout and writing style. Usage shows carelessness. Harvard system is poorly implemented or absent.

GRADE (20%)

1st Grader’s Grade


2nd Grader’s comments


Agreed Grade

For internal use only (to be completed by supervisor):

Programme Outcome

Enter Number from 1-5

(1 lowest, 5 highest)

Broad critical understanding of the fundamental principles, concepts and techniques underlying the Concentration / pathway discipline (A5)

Critical analysis and evaluation of a range of ideas, arguments or theories based in Concentration / pathway (B5)

Relevance to real practice (C)

Interpretation of information presented in a variety of forms and perform relevant tasks of analysis and evaluation (D2)