I need help with this assignment fast. I hired a tutor on monday and she did not deliver the correct paper and after many attempts at trying to get her to correct it she has not. I now only have have


  • In this assignment you have the opportunity to review a written critique of a commonly used career assessment, one that you might use as a professional counselor. You will be asked to summarize potential information gained from the assessment, use with the population you hope to work with, strengths and weaknesses of the assessment to include the psychometric properties of the assessment, and any cultural considerations when using the assessment.

  • Use the APA Publication Guide (6th ed) template to format your document

  • Read chapter’s 3, 5 and 9 Niles, S. G. & Harris-Bowlsbey, J. (2017). Career Development Interventions in the 21st Century 5th Ed. Pearson.

  • Once you have reviewed all of the course resources, then read and review: Case, J.C. & Blackwell, T. L. (2008). Test review. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 51(2), 122-126. (this is the article that is required please pull up on internet) and use for this assignment

  • Address in paragraph form (this is the actual assignment instructions):

  • A summary of the potential information assessed and gained from the assessment (2 paragraphs).

  • Discuss strengths and weaknesses of the assessment including discussion of psychometrics of the assessment (2 paragraphs)

  • Reflect on how this assessment could be used with African American high school students and any cultural considerations when administering the assessment. Consider all of your course resources and the article selected. (1-2 paragraphs).

  • I have to reference my book (chapters 3, 5, and 9) and the article in my paper and any other sources. NO PLEGERISM PLEASE!!!!!!!!!