Project DescriptionThis project is based on selling selfie drones. They are the most recent and trending innovations in the market at the moment. They can be used in wide business environment since th

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The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of the small business projects on the family income. This study specializes on women headed households and disabled people. It seeks to answer the study question by looking at the positive effects that the small business projects have had on the family income. Following the enormous economic crisis in the developing nations and other nations as well, most people have failed to secure stable sources of income that can enable them to support their families (Nguyen & Steele, 2016). Women being the majority of this population have so far engaged in small business projects to generate more income so as to support their families. The disabled people were not also left behind in fending for their families since they have engaged in the household small projects that favor their working conditions since it enables them to attend to their businesses from home. It is important also to acknowledge that these projects have not only impacted on family income but also largely on the economic status of the country.

Literature Review

Small business Projects

They can be called microenterprises which require little capital for establishment (Storey, 2016). In addition, they employ few number of employees to perform the business activities. The women headed households and disabled people projects fall under this category and they may include business such as hotels that offer catering services to customers. Laundry services are also household projects that are run by women and disabled people. They provide cleaning services to their customers. They are majorly based in rural areas where they supply goods and services to people (Burns, 2016).

Women play an important role in management of family affairs which majorly include generation and management of family income. They engage in household activities that generate money that enable them to support their families. The generated income is important in ensuring that the family is stable economically and able to last. The money produced from these projects has ensured that the family is able to produce enough food for the children and also support the children going to school. Looking at these roles played by women in family matters it is clear that they maintain the family status and ensure that the family is united and does not lack the basic essentials of life (Thatcher, et al., 2016). Development of small business projects is a form of inclusion of disabled people in the society. These activities give them hope and a sense of belonging to the society. They enable them to have families of their own since they generate enough money from these projects to support them.

Impact of Small business projects on Family Income

Small business projects that are managed by women and disabled people have played a critical role in generation of more money to support the family. By producing more money for family members to use a lot of achievements have been made by these families that have in turn positively impacted on the society as a fraternity. These impacts on the society have so far caused a direct effect or indirect effect on the people’s lives. The following are impacts of the small business projects on family income.

Decreased levels of Poverty

Small business projects have enabled families to produce more money that has generally enabled them to evade poverty. After investing in the right business projects, women and the disabled people in the society have managed to realize more profits from these projects. Poverty which is attributed to lack of enough money to support yourself and have better access to basic life needs. Generation of more money for the family has enabled them to purchase better food that has ensured that their children eat meals that are well balanced. Secondly, this has enabled them to educate their children in better schools and college institutions. By educating their children, these families open up better chances for their children to have access to better employment opportunities than the uneducated individuals. Employment too is important for these children as it enables them to have enough money to support their families and their parents too. Also, the money produced from the business projects has enabled these families to have better living conditions that include access to better health care services. In cases of sickness, these families are able to support their children by taking them to better hospitals where they can receive better health. This has also promoted the quality of their lives by ensuring that there is quick recovery and decreased number of deaths in the world. Therefore, creation of more money from the business opportunities has reduced the levels of poverty in the society by increasing the living standards (Julien, 2018).

Women Empowerment

Business projects enable women to have better access to information as they are able to attend meeting and seminars on how to produce more income from their business projects. They are educated on ways and techniques that can enable them to manage their business properly. However, it is also important to know that this business meetings and seminars not only educate women on business matters but also provide important information regarding advancing technology and trending activities and issues that form a basis of their entrepreneurial ideas (Hatten, 2015). Largely, this has affected the social, economic and political lives of women lives. Currently, women have managed to secure top positions in management of various business organizations at the international levels. This can be attributed to the fact that women get to empower each other through these meetings that enable them to create more chances for their fellow women to also get employment in such companies that are led by women. The information that they also acquire from such meetings has enabled them to manage their families in nice way that has fostered stronger family ties.

Politically, women have become leaders of different nations and leading politically parties in the globe. Positive awareness that has been championed for in these business meetings is the main cause of such positivity in women. It has enabled them to dispel any form feeling that they are inferior compared to men and as result this has enabled them to secure such senior positions in administration. In addition to that, management of small business projects has enabled them to develop better leadership skills. This is because they get to exercise their charismatic leadership skills in their business projects so that they can be able to manage their employees accordingly. Leadership which is a skill that is acquired from regular practice therefore becomes an attribute of women and once they get to exhibit this skill, they get access to better opportunities outside their scope of administration.

Better living Standards

Money produced from the business projects have enabled many families to live better lives which are characteristic with adequate supply of food and water, better education opportunities, better housing, clothing and lastly better treatment in case of sickness. Families which are able to produce enough money on their own, in most cases do not depend on government assistance which basically provides average services. They can be able to raise enough money to get off the streets and maybe from the slum areas where people do not have access to better access to nice houses. In addition to that, this prevents them from being victims of diseases that may be associated with poor hygiene which is a characteristic of such environments. The generated income for the family enables the family to have higher status compared to the poor families where the families cannot be able to generate enough money which is a measure of wealth in the society. Money also can play a role in the stability of the family. Whereby the family can be stable and united once they are able to achieve and satisfy their basic needs .Cases where they are not able to satisfy their basic needs they get divided due to family wrangles and conflicts that result from poverty. As a result, such families usually end up dividing along lines due to such things that hinder development and unity.

Creation of more Employment Opportunities

Business projects require employees and workers who facilitate the execution of various business activities in the project (Epstein, 2018). These positions need to be occupied by either the remaining family members who maybe from the extended family or other people in the society. Therefore, this has enabled the unemployed people to seek for such positions in the business organization so that they can raise more to support themselves and their families too. Employment of youths in such projects has enabled them to independent and avoid being victims of illegal activities in the city. Employing people in business activities not only plays an important function of creating income for them but also educates them since they get to acquire more experience by working on such projects. After acquiring experience, they are able to open up their minds and take up the available chances of starting up their business activities so that they be independent. The employment opportunities that are available to these people are majorly from the existing business projects and from new ones that people create after realizing the importance of such business projects (Terrapon-Pfaff, et al., 2018).

Development of the Private sector

Following the creation of more business projects that are managed by individuals, the private sector which include private owned business organizations and companies has developed much more compare to the public sector (Schaper, 2016). The public sector consists of government owned business enterprises that relay on funding from the government. The private sector which is managed by individuals has so far managed to produce more profits compared to the government owned. Even though the government owned enterprises receive funding from the government and the employees paid by the government, they cannot beat the private owned enterprises (Zhou, 2016). This is because the private enterprises are usually managed by well qualified individuals who have the right skills in leadership. Adding on that, the government owned enterprises are in most cases affected by cases of embezzling funds from the businesses. Therefore, the private sector has quickly overtaken the public sector due to the increased number of business projects that are managed by women and disabled people.

Inclusion of the Disabled Individuals in the Society

The small business projects have enabled the disabled people to engage in business activities that enable them to generate enough money to support their families. Managing their own projects also enables them to occupy senior managerial positions in these business organization where they get to exercise their leadership skills. These include directing their employees on what is expected of them during the process of serving customers. By owning such entities, they get to enjoy their rights and freedoms just like the rest of the population. They also enable the disabled people to raise more money for supporting their families by taking their children to better schools where they can receive quality education. These business projects also gives them a sense of belonging to the society affairs. They get to sell goods and services to people living around them. In the process, they build friendship ties with their regular customers. Therefore, this gives them a chance of serving the society by selling their goods and services to the willing customers.

Economic Development

The economy of the country has so far developed from compared to the past years where women did not get chances of opening up their own business organizations. With the development of business projects, the government has managed to get revenue from such entities through taxation which as the main source of revenue for the government (Fayolle & Gally, 2015). Equally, the government has been able to tax the income that is made by the employees of such business organizations. Depending on the amount of money that is raised from such business projects, the country uses that money to develop the infrastructure, which is among the major measures that are used in measuring the levels of economic development in a given country. Lastly, the small business projects have enabled the country to develop economically through generation of more money that has been invested in various sectors to ensure that people live better lives.

Social Stratification

These small business projects have ensured enough supply of money to families to an extent in which some of the families have become very wealthy compared to other families. Therefore, such wealthy families have separated themselves from other families to find new settlement areas. This is among the major causes whereby you find rich estates that have been inhabited by rich people and on the other side you find people living in slums which are characterized by poor people. Consequently, this division has been brought about by such differences in social and economic status of people.


In order to find out the impact of small business projects on family income, I would carry out an interaction analysis .This analysis is based on interviewing women and disabled people who are managers of such small business projects. The interview would base on finding out their opinions on whether their business projects had any impact on their family or so far had they realized any profit from their projects. I will sample their opinions after carefully listening to them and evaluate whether the information they have provided is true. The sampling criteria will based on age and rank on the business organization .I will interview the employees under the business projects so as to find out whether the money they get from working these projects is helpful in raising their children and supporting them too. Lastly, I will also perform random assessments on their families after seeking their permission. This assessment may even involve visiting their homes and looking whether it is true that small business projects have enabled them evade poverty and live better lives.


In conclusion, small business projects have greatly impacted on the total family income by increasing the amount of money that families generate by taking part in other investments .The raised amount of money has been very essential in ensuring that these families live better lives and are to access basic needs. It has also enabled people living in developing nations to evade poverty since they have enabled them to get access to better health care services, get better food and also housing. The small business projects have also been important in solving the problem of unemployment in these countries since they have enabled people to engage in self-employment activities. Lastly the small business projects have also enabled the development of the country’s economic status by availing more money for the government to engage in development projects for the country.


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