WCM 610 3-1 Discussion: Quantifying Qualitative Information in the Measure Phase of the DMAIC Process ModelFirst, read Chapter 5 in The Essential Workplace Conflict Handbook and review your work with

WCM 610 3-1 Discussion: Quantifying Qualitative Information in the Measure Phase of the DMAIC Process ModelFirst, read Chapter 5 in The Essential Workplace Conflict Handbook and review your work with 1

WCM 610 SMART Goals Chart Template


Relevant to Problem Statement for Own

Current Conflict at Work (Define)


Potential Unintended Consequences


(Share any self-reflective thinking or notes on each element of the SMART goal)



The Manager’s failure to fill the job slips, timesheets as well as fabrication. As a result, the customers are not invoiced for the proper amounts. The Manager gives work to other employees leading to landscape division.

Potential solution: Replacing the manager to solve the workplace divisions.

Interpersonal and departmental conflict between the manager and the employees which affects the working relationship.

Giving tasks to other employees due to failure to conduct the duties required and as a result, poor relations are experienced between the employee and the manager.

Training the manager will not work as it will take time. However, retrenchment can work based on the situation might work.

If the potential solution is undertaken, it will be vital to induct the incoming manager of the processes. Resistance from some of the employees is normal.

S - What Will Not Work

Restructuring of the organization by the new manager cannot work.





Employees complain about being given tasks that are beyond their control as well overworking the employees by giving the employees tasks beyond their reach.

Financial miscalculations due to poor invoicing leading to improper amounts and invoices.

Potential solution: Having an auditor to check on the financial accounts in the company. Ensure that the complaints both form the client and other employees subside.

If training is done and is effective there are chances that the complaints will reduce. However, fear of victimization may be encountered.

Consideration of the future complaints can be the best solution.

M - What Will Not Work

Monitoring of some company processes such as auditing





Potential solution: Having an assistant manager to help coordinate activities can help. It can relieve of some duties and coordinate activities between the administrative office and other employees.

Resistance from the employees is common. Thus, any changes in the leadership must focus on improving the state of the organization. When such changes are initiated workflow transition is initiated.

What happens if the new manager fails to adopt the changes and customs of the organization?

A - What Will Not Work

Restructuring of the organization by the new manager cannot work.





Potential solution: Involving the employees in some of the tasks is realistic and relevant to the organization strategies.

Additional interpersonal conflict and other work stresses are expected at the micro level.

It is expected that the chances of resistance and complaints from some employees is high.

R - What Will Not Work

Restructuring of the organization by the new manager cannot work.




(Time-Bound/Time Constraints)

Potential solution: Identify the manager in a timeframe of two weeks. Inform the staff of the new changes in a staff meeting. Internal issues can be addressed in the process.

Some employees may be stressed due to leadership changes. Any conflicts can also be identified at the end. The define phase can be used in highlighting the root causes to other problems.

Working one on one helps highlight other issues. Furthermore, the leadership with new team can lead to informed decisions. Provision of a clear rationale to some of the issues affecting the Garden Depot company can be solved.

T - What Will Not Work

A monitoring body for the leadership structure will not be present.

