QSO 360 Assign:4-2For this milestone, you will apply the second step of the DMAIC cycle to your selected problem or process and document your results.Apply the second step of the DMAIC cycle to your s

QSO 360 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric Overview: Apply the second step of the DMAIC cycle to your selected problem or process and document your results. Compare the current s tate of the process you are hoping to improve to how you would like it to run. You will also determine what you will need to measure and how you intend to collect, and baseline, your data. Create a process map, characterize each step, and summarize these results. Note: For the purpose of this project, you will not collect and a nalyze any data. However, if you had the chance, what data would you collect and how would you summarize the results? In the appendix of the toll deck is a road map describing some of the ways to review and present the d ata you have collected. Prompt: Com plete the Measure Tollgate PowerPoint slides using your text and the following instructions: Slide One Refer to Milestone One. Slide Two Refer to Milestone One. Make revisions as necessary. Slide Three Generate a process map as if you were the “thing” going through the process. This means all steps must be included. For example, the transport from one person to the next, and the time in a queue waiting for the next person to pick you up and perform the tasks. All the different functions of departments are illustrated in the rows or “swim lanes.” This helps identify some hand -offs. If more than two pages are required, feel free to copy and paste this slide. Assume the horizontal or x -axis represents time. Based on the number of pages, the reader can qui ckly assess the time to complete the process. Slide Four Process Map, continued. Slide Five Instructions, no action required. Slide Six Using the Process Map and the definitions provided on the previous slide, list all the process steps and characteriz e them as either Value Added, Waste, or Required. As the project proceeds into Improve, you will determine which of the Waste steps can be eliminated (hopefully the majority) and which of the Required steps can also be eliminated (hopefully many of these). Slide Seven Refer to the Voice of the Customer slide in your Define Tollgate for a metric for the output of the process. In many projects , the data we need to use here does not exist, so we will need to manually collect the information. To complete t he Data Collection Plan start with the Voice of the Customer (VOC) metrics from the Define Tollgate: A. Metric: List the metric. B. Output: Enter a check or “x.” C. Sample Size: Determine an appropriate sample size for the measuring the data. D. Duration: Based on th e answer to C, how much time is required to collect the data? Next, determine the steps in the process that enable or drive the process to achieve that output. Create a measure that you b elieve would be an early indicator of the output. Slide Eight Revi ew the measures on the previous slide and list how you will present these measures. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: A. First, determine what you will need to measure. What major factors and variables must be qualified and qu antified? What metrics will you need to monitor? Illustrate your measurement goals using specific detail. B. Then, identify how you would collect your data. What are the most effective and appropriate methods and tools for your case? Be sure that you select appropriate statistics for baselining the data. C. Finally, based on your measurement framework, identify the extent of the gap between the current state and the ideal process performance or results. Be sure to cite specific evidence that more narrowly defin es the problem or process deficiency in quantifiable terms. Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Complete the Milestone Two Templa te and submit it to Brightspace for grading. Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (65%) Not Evident (0%) Value Measure: Goals Determines appropriate measurement Determines measurement goals, but Does not determine measurement 30 goal s for the improvement project and not all are fully appropriate to the goals illustrates each with specific details project or illustrated with specific details Measure: Methods Identifies appropriate measurement Discusses methods and tools, but not Does not discuss measurement 30 and Tools methods and tools that will effectively all are appropriate or would be methods and tools achieve the measurement goals effective in achieving the measurement goals Measure: Identify the Quantifies the extent of the gap Discusses the extent of the gap Does not discuss the extent of the gap 30 Gap between the current state and the between the current and ideal states, between the current and ideal states ideal process performance using but fails to appropriately quantify specific evidence, indicating statistics using specific evidence to baseline the data Articulation of Submission has no major errors Submission has major errors related to Submission has critical errors related 10 Res ponse related to citations, grammar, spelling, citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, syntax, or organization organization that negatively impact or organization that prevent readability and articulation of main understanding of ideas ideas Total 100%