For this assignment, follow the directions in the attached document, providing a screenshot where required, answer the questions in full detail, citing references using APA format. Submit the complete

Week 3 Assignment:

This is a working week. For this assignment, you are to follow the directions, providing a screenshot where required, answer the questions in full detail, citing references using APA format. Submit the completed document the assignment area.

  1. Load the attached Dataset grades_km_input.csv file into R and/or RStudio as directed in page 123 in the textbook Starting at the section “Using R to Perform a K-means Analysis”. Follow the instructions and provide a basic R plot function, each WSS is plotted against the respective number of centroids, as shown in Figure 4-5. Provide a screenshot.

  2. Continue plotting the data until you achieve the results shown in Figure 4-6. Provide a screenshot.

  3. Compare and contrast three additional clustering algorithms.

  4. Load the packages and Groceries dataset as specified in section 5.5 An Example: Transactions in a Grocery Store on page 143 of the textbook.

  5. Work through the example, providing 3 screenshots: the itemsets on page 148, the scatterplot as shown in Figure 5.3, and the Graph visualization of the top five rules sorted by lift as shown on page 157.

  6. How are interesting rules identified? How are interesting rules distinguished from coincidental rules?