check the attach for more info.  and only do 'STEP 4'•Step4: Purchasedecisiono  Which attitudes of others might intervene between the consumer’s intended purchase and their purchase decision?o W

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Fundamentals of Marketing

Assignment 2: Presentation on the Consumer Decision Making Process (CDMP)

Task Description + Template + Rubric.

Time limit: 10 minutes (+/- 10% = between 8 and 12 minutes. Try very hard not to go beyond 15 minutes max.)

Assignment Overview

This assignment will help you to achieve these Unit Learning Outcomes (ULOs);

  1. Demonstrate a broad understanding of the major conceptual and theoretical principles upon which the practice of marketing is based.

  2. Demonstrate a general understanding of marketing management tasks and of how marketing fits into the organisational environment and interacts with diverse environments.

  3. Identify and evaluate secondary research from a variety of sources. As a reflective and critical thinker, use this research information to apply marketing concepts and principles to propose ethical, creative solutions to a range of marketing related problems that arise in business contexts.

  4. Work effectively as an individual or a team member to communicate effectively whether orally or in writing.

This is a group assignment. Working in teams is an important business skill. So too is the ability to make a convincing, persuasive presentation. This assignment provides you with the opportunity to develop both of these skills. These skills will be important personal assets throughout your life.

You will record a presentation about the Consumer Decision Making Process (CDMP) for the purchase of your Brand + Sub-brand. For more details about the five Steps of the Consumer Decision Making Process see Lecture 2 and Chapter 3 of your Text.

  • Record your presentation using your phone (or camera). All members of the Group must appear before the camera and speak as part of the Presentation.

  • Therefore, you will NOT make the presentation live, in-class. Instead, you will make a Group recording outside of the classroom and submit the recording for marking.

  • You will present as if you are a group of independent consultants presenting to the Marketing Managers of your Brand + Sub-brand. For example, if the product you select is a car, you should present as if your audience is the Marketing Managers of the car company responsible for marketing your Brand + Sub-brand e.g. Ford or Holden.

  • This is a hypothetical situation and you are not required to have physically purchased the product.

  • Your presentation will;

    • achieve the objective of the Presentation, which is to convince the Marketing Managers of your Brand + Sub-brand to implement your recommendations about how, at each step of the CDMP, they can be more effective at directing consumers to your/their Brand + Sub-brand.

    • demonstrate that your group can present a convincing, professional-standard business presentation.

    • demonstrate your critical thinking abilities by showing how the “typical consumer” would step through the five steps of the Consumer Decision Making Process (CDMP) for the purchase of your Brand + Sub-brand.

    • demonstrate your understanding of the key drivers that influence the consumer’s purchase.

Selecting a product

For this Assignment you need to select a product. You will do the next two assignments (Assignments 3 & 4) based on the same product too. You will do Assignment 4 as an individual (so you need to understand all the details of Assignments 2 and 3).

  • Product must be a physical good (not a service). NOT a phone, NOT Mazda CX 5, NOT Microsoft Surface Pro.

  • Product is defined as an individual Brand + Sub-brand (e.g. Ford Focus Trend Hatch, not “Ford” (because “Ford” includes many sub-brands such as Ranger, Fiesta and Mondeo). Where there is a further choice available to the consumer, you need to make that choice. For example, for a Brand + Sub-brand of motorbike there might be a choice of engine size. If so, you need to choose one engine size – that is the product the customer is buying and engine size would be an important attribute for the comparison with competitors. And so, as closely as you can, the competitors you discuss in the Evaluation step should have attributes as similar to “your” Brand + Sub-brand’s attributes as possible. (For examples of this see Wheels magazine’s car comparison articles.)

  • Product must be High Involvement (see slides 35 to 38 in Lecture 2). High Involvement products are ones where the potential consumer goes through all 5 steps of the CDMP and searches extensively for information about the product.

  • Make sure that you will be able find relevant information about your product and that will enjoy doing assignments about it. Hence, make a wise decision here. The industry to which your Brand + Sub-brand belongs MUST have an IBIS Report

  • This is NOT a Presentation about the Theory of CDMP. It is a Demonstration of how well you can apply the Theory to understand the situation and develop Recommendations.

  • Be specific therefore – which specific websites would the consumer look at? Does the packaging show the key attributes which your research tells you are the ones the consumer thinks are the most important ones? And so on.

  • Your presentation must be supported by evidence. How you find this evidence will be discussed in Tutorial 4 and online guidance is available on Blackboard under Assignment 2 tab.

Presentation Template

  • Cover every point on this Template (below).

  • Each “Step” refers to one or more slides from Lecture 2, your Textbook and other sources.

Your presentation should be structured as follows:

  • Title slide – Name for your presentation and list all the members of your Group.

  • Introduction - Briefly introduce team members, the Brand + Sub-brand and the importance of understanding consumer behaviour. Briefly describe the purpose and structure of the presentation.

  • Outline slide – the key points of this presentation

  • NOTE for Steps 1 to 5; At each step make recommendations to the marketers of your Brand + Sub-brand about how they can be more effective at directing consumers to your (and their) Brand + Sub-brand.

Then, in the Recommendations section at the end of the presentation, summarise these recommendations as a set of “main takeaway points”; that is, “what do you want the audience to have prominent in their minds at the end of the presentation?”

  • The Step 1: Need recognition - This section should focus on why the consumer has a need for a product in your category, e.g. why they need a car, rather than any particular brand of car.

o What may trigger a consumer to purchase this product?

o What is the consumer’s need? What problem does he/she want to satisfy?

  • Recommendation; how could your Brand + Sub-brand trigger need recognition? That is, what do you recommend the Brand + Sub-brand do to cause the consumer to realise that they have a need?

Step 2: Information search

  • What process will consumers go through to search for information?

  • What, if any, existing knowledge (internal search) might the consumer consider?

  • What external influences might the consumer consider? Be specific – which websites/retail outlets etc..

  • What information would the consumer obtain from this search?

  • Recommendation; What changes do you recommend to more-effectively direct consumers to your Brand + Sub-brand?

Step 3: Evaluation of alternatives

o What attributes is the consumer likely to consider important?

    • What cut-offs might the consumer use?

    • How would the consumer rank the alternative Brand +Sub-brands?

    • Present an Evaluation Table, showing how consumers would evaluate alternative brand + Sub-brands of directly-equivalent type.

Brand and Model

Attribute 1

Attribute 2

Attribute 3

Attribute 4

Our Brand + Sub-brand

Competitor 1

Competitor 2

Competitor 3

  • Recommendation; What changes do you recommend to more-effectively direct consumers to your Brand + Sub-brand?

Step 4: Purchase decision

o Which attitudes of others might intervene between the consumer’s intended purchase and their purchase decision?

  • What unanticipated situational factors might intervene between the consumer’s intended purchase and their purchase decision?

    • Recommendation; What changes do you recommend to more-effectively direct consumers to your Brand + Sub-brand?

Step 5: Post-purchase behaviour

o Why might the consumer feel satisfied with this purchase?

o Why might the consumer feel dissatisfied with this purchase?

  • How might this impact their next purchase?

  • Recommendation; What changes do you recommend to for your Brand + Sub-brand to ensure consumers continue buying it?

Conclusion – Summary of the key points and a concluding statement. about the importance of the consumer decision making process.

Recommendations to the marketers of the product

    • Achieve the objective of the Presentation; convince the Marketing Managers of your Brand + Sub-brand to implement your recommendations about how, at each step of the CDMP, they can be more effective at directing consumers to your/their Brand + Sub-brand.

    • These recommendations will be your “main takeaway points”; that is, “what do you want the audience to have prominent in their minds at the end of the presentation?”

Unit Learning Outcome 3 explains that you will learn to “Identify and evaluate secondary research from a variety of sources.” So you need to Reference all your sources – You will be penalized (marks reduced) if you do not provide references. You need to provide both citations (in-text references) and List of References using the Harvard Referencing style. For more details about referencing please refer to Tutorial 4 and/or follow this link:

Unit Learning Outcome 3 also explains that you will learn to “use this research information to apply marketing concepts and principles.” Therefore, in this presentation you will demonstrate that you have applied consumer behaviour theories and concepts that you’ve read about in the learning materials, textbook and other sources.

  • You will need to reference these sources

  • And, you will need to demonstrate the Application of Theory using this method; check the attach for more info.  and only do 'STEP 4'•Step4: Purchasedecisiono  Which attitudes of others might intervene between the consumer’s intended purchase and their purchase decision?o W 1

Working in Groups

Assignment Groups are teams. To help prepare your Group to work effectively you all need to read and discuss:-

  1. The Group Work slides in Tutorial 3, and

  2. “What makes a Good Team Member” and “The Group’s Assessment of the Group’s Performance” which appear in the Assignment 2 Submission Document.

  • Your Group will need to complete the form entitled “The Group’s Assessment of the Group’s Performance” and submit this as part of your Assignment – worth 10% of your Mark.

Submission details – Please refer to the Assignment 2 Submission Document

Your work will be assessed using the marking rubric:

How to get higher grades; See what you have to do better, and what extra things you have to do to get higher grades. White-on-Blue = extra to get a Credit over a Pass, Grey BOLD = extra to get a D compared with a C, Yellow BOLD Italic underlined = extra to get an HD compared with a D



Pass – basic knowledge


C; demonstrates theory enables understanding. 60-69%

D; understanding, analysis, insight, applies theory. 70-79%

HD; clearly demonstrates nuanced understanding of concepts and their application. 80-100%

Quality of

Introduction and Conclusion (10%)

The introduction missed or poorly-handled all or most of the Pass criteria. No or irrelevant recommendations

The introduction introduces team members, explains the purpose and structure, and provides a basic overview of the product.

The conclusion summarises the key points of the report. Few or no recommendations.

The introduction introduces team members, explains the purpose and structure of the report and explains the importance of the consumer decision making process in relation to the selected product.

The conclusion summarises the key points made in the report and highlights the importance of consumer behaviour theory. Some useful recommendations.

The introduction; an attempt made to grab attention, introduces team members, provides a succinct explanation of the purpose and structure of the report and a clear explanation of the importance of the consumer decision making process in relation to the selected brand and product.

The conclusion summarises the key points made in the report and highlights the importance of consumer behaviour theory. Numerous relevant recommendations.

The introduction; very attention-grabbing start, introduces team members, provides a clear and succinct explanation of the purpose and structure of the report and an excellent explanation of the importance of the consumer decision making process in relation to the selected brand and product and how enhanced understanding can increase sales.

The conclusion succinctly summarises the key points made in the report & highlights the importance of consumer behaviour theory by making insightful recommendations which the marker judges will enable the marketing managers to increase sales.

Demonstrates understanding of the 5 Steps of CDMP by applying them to purchase of product. Supported by evidence (20%)

Does not provide basic description of most stages of the consumer decision making process for the product. Little or no evidence.

Provides a reasonably comprehensive description of most stages of the consumer decision making process for the chosen product.

Some evidence.

Provides a relevant description of all stages of the consumer decision making process for the chosen product. Reasonable amount of evidence – specific details such as which websites? Does the packaging list the key Attributes which your research tells you are the ones the consumer thinks are the most important ones? And so on.


Provides a clear and relevant description of all stages of the consumer decision making process for the chosen product. Extensive evidence with a reasonable integration of evidence into descriptions.

Provides a clear, relevant and insightful description of all stages of the consumer decision making process for the chosen product. Evidence was extensive and well-integrated.

Demonstrates ability to analyse and reflect on the consumer decision making process in depth, showing a deep insight into how consumers make their decisions.

Applies relevant consumer behavior theory and concepts to assist in understanding consumer purchase behavior for chosen product (25%)

Presentation does not describe consumer behaviour theory and concepts.

Presentation describes most of the basic consumer behaviour theory and concepts.

Presentation demonstrates how the relevant consumer behaviour theory and concepts enabled the team to understand behaviour.

Demonstrates use of theory and concepts to understand how consumers make purchase decisions. In addition to basic Five Steps Theory your presentation uses Evoked Set, Attributes, Cut-Offs, Framing, Intervening and Unanticipated factors, Dissonance

Presentation provides descriptions of deeper or more-subtle aspects of relevant consumer behaviour theory for each of the Five Steps of the consumer decision making process. Uses theory and concepts to help understand behavior and gain insight. Includes Involvement, Impact of brand value. Evidence of independent thought.

Recommendations (10%)

Absent or irrelevant or illogical

Recommendations somewhat clear, logical, well explained. Some recommendations flow logically from foregoing content and some are well-supported by evidence in earlier sections. We judge some might increase likelihood of consumers purchasing product.

Recommendations mostly clear, logical, well explained. Most flow logically from foregoing content and are mostly well-supported by evidence in earlier sections. We judge some likely to increase likelihood of consumers purchasing product.

All Recommendations clear, logical, well explained. All flow logically from foregoing content and all are well-supported by evidence in earlier sections. We judge all are likely to increase likelihood of consumers purchasing product

For every Step of the CDMP the Marketing Managers are provided with recommendations (At the D standard) on how to direct the consumer to be aware of, gather the appropriate information about, evaluate favourably, purchase, consume and become a loyal advocate for the Brand and Sub-Brand.

Teamwork (10%)

Based on the marker’s assessment of the Assignment, and the Group’s self-assessment it is clear that the Group failed to meet the “Competent” level of Group performance and this was demonstrated by a Pass or Fail Grade for Assign.

Based on the marker’s assessment of the Assignment, and the Group’s self-assessment; It is clear that the Group achieved the “Competent” level of Group performance and this was demonstrated by a Pass or C Grade for the Assignment.

Based on the marker’s assessment of the Assignment, and the Group’s self-assessment; It is clear that the Group achieved the “Competent” level of Group performance and this was demonstrated by a C or D Grade for the Assignment.

Based on the marker’s assessment of the Assignment, and the Group’s self-assessment; It is clear that the Group achieved the “Sophisticated” or “Competent” level of Group performance and this was demonstrated by a D or HD Grade for the Assignment.

Based on the marker’s assessment of the Assignment, and the Group’s self-assessment; It is clear that the Group achieved the “Sophisticated” level of Group performance and this was demonstrated by a D or HD Grade for the Assignment.

Presentation, format and attention to detail


Presentation is badly to poorly organised. Unacceptable standard of attention to detail (grammar, spelling, expression).

Presentation is reasonably well organised. Acceptable standard of attention to detail (grammar, spelling, expression).

Presentation is well organized, communicates ideas reasonably well. Good standard of attention to detail (grammar, spelling, expression).

Presentation is well organised and communicates ideas well.

High standard of attention to detail (grammar, spelling, expression).

Presentation is very well structured and cohesive and communicates ideas very effectively. Excellent attention to detail (grammar, spelling, expression).

Presentation skills: design of visual aids (5%)

Visuals did not summarise any to most key points. Complicated or lacking basic content, inconsistent and cluttered. Often unreadable. Many errors in formatting, proofreading.

Visuals did not summarise all key points. Not simple, consistent and uncluttered. Not always clearly readable font style and size. Not all additional visuals relevant and supportive of the presentation message. Many errors in formatting, proofreading.

Visuals summarised some key points. Usually simple, consistent and uncluttered. Mostly readable font style and size. Some additional visuals relevant and supportive. Some errors in formatting, proofreading.

Visuals summarised key points. Mostly simple, consistent and uncluttered. Clearly readable font style and size. Most additional visuals relevant and supportive. Few errors in formatting, proofreading.

Visuals summarised key points well. Always simple, consistent and uncluttered. Clearly readable font style and size. All additional visuals relevant and supportive. No errors in formatting, proofreading.

Presentation skills: effective delivery, signposting, transition, and timing (10%)

Very poor delivery showed no practice and development. Speakers not demonstrated clear pronunciation, measured pace, varied intonation or appropriate use of pausing. Audio not meshed with visuals. Effectiveness reduced by distracting body language. All or most speakers demonstrated lack of confidence. No signposting, and transitions Timing outside guidelines.

Poor delivery showed little practice and development. Most speakers did not demonstrate clear pronunciation, measured pace, varied intonation or appropriate use of pausing. Audio did not synch with visuals. Effectiveness often reduced by distracting body language, including lack of eye contact, gestures, movement and emphasis. All or most speakers demonstrated lack of confidence in the material being presented.

Poor signposting and transitions between speakers. Timing slightly outside the guidelines.

Reasonable delivery showed some practice and development. Some speakers demonstrated clear pronunciation, measured pace, varied intonation or appropriate use of pausing. Audio sometimes synched with visuals. Effectiveness sometimes reduced by distracting body language, including lack of eye contact, gestures, movement and emphasis. Some speakers demonstrated lack of confidence in the material being presented. Reasonable signposting, transitions between speakers. Timing slightly outside guidelines.

Good delivery showed practice and development. Most speakers demonstrated clear pronunciation, measured pace, varied intonation or appropriate use of pausing. Audio mostly synched with visuals. Effectiveness mostly enhanced by body language, including lack of eye contact, gestures, movement and emphasis. Most speakers demonstrated confidence in the material being presented. Good signposting and transitions between speakers. Timing within guidelines.

Excellent delivery showed extensive practice and development. All speakers engaged with audience. Displayed clear pronunciation, measured pace, varied intonation and appropriate use of pausing. Audio synched perfectly with visuals. Presentation enhanced by use of body language, including eye contact, gestures, movement and emphasis. No reading of notes. All Speakers demonstrated confidence in the material being presented. Signposting directed the presentation. Clear signaling, seamless transitions and timing within guidelines



Little or no Harvard style referencing used.

Harvard style referencing used in parts of the presentation (both in- text referencing and references list); however improvement in correct style and consistency is required.

An attempt at referencing in Harvard style is evident throughout most of the presentation, (both in-text referencing and references list), with improvements required in consistency.

Correct referencing in Harvard style is evident throughout most of the presentation (both in-text referencing and references list), with only minor corrections


Faultless referencing in Harvard style is evident throughout the whole presentation (both in-text referencing and references list).
