Outline must be prepared and typed following formal outline format. (attached)Must use at LEAST 5 REFERENCESYour examples, statistics and quotations will support your main points and must be cited in


  1. Label all parts of your outline (i.e. Name, Specific Purpose, Central Idea, Introduction, Body, Conclusion, and Bibliography) in BOLD and Underline.

  1. Label all transitions, previews, and summaries as you did above, but set off in parentheses.

  1. Indent and use the standard set of outline symbols.

Main Points are indicated by Roman numerals (I, II, III, IV).

Subpoints are indicated by capital letters (A, B, C).

Sub-subpoints are indicated by Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3).

Sub-sub-subpoints are indicated by small letters (a, b, c).


  1. You need to type each MAIN POINT in a complete sentence.

  2. You need to type each SUBPOINT in a complete sentence.

  3. You also need to type SUB-SUBPOINTS in complete sentences.

  4. You should also type examples and statistics in your sub-subpoints (cite sources).

**Notice the “Visual Framework” in the sample above – the next point of the outline lines up directly under the letter of the first word in the point above. See the handout “Setting Up Word Easy Outlining.”

  1. Use complete sentences for all points.

  1. Divide and order your main points according to one of the following organizational patterns:
    Chronological (time pattern)
    Spatial (directional pattern)
    Causal (cause and effect pattern)
     (2-5 types, ways, advantages, etc. used to describe something)

  1. Write each main point and subpoint so that each contains only ONE idea.


  1. Since it applies more easily and costs less, latex paint is better than oil; it also dries faster and is not as messy.


  1. Latex paint is preferable to oil paint.

  2. It applies easily.

  3. It dries faster.

  4. It is not as messy.

  5. It costs less.


  1. Arrange subpoints to support your main points.


  1. Proper equipment is important for playing handball.

  2. Wear good athletic shoes for maneuverability.

  3. Use padded gloves to protect your hands.

  4. Buy a handball for sufficient bounce.

  5. Have a good attitude. (this subpoint should be a separate main point)


  1. Use at least two (2) main points, but not use more than five (5) main points. Audiences are more likely to remember two main points with four subpoints than eight main points.


  1. Attach a Bibliography/Reference List (if there is a research requirement).


  1. Keep your outline brief! An outline is NOT a manuscript of your speech. Do not write out your speech word for word, nor try to memorize a manuscript of your speech.