I have write some note about marketing. so I need you to re-write them in academic language and add references them  to support them. the most important is that ,,, i need it to be related to each o


Before putting the product into the market, the product goes through several stages. One of the most important stages is to determine the price of the product. After that, it will be studied by asking questions to customers and anticipate their requirements in terms of shape, colour phrases recorded on it. It can be applied using servery or interview the customer. Finally, the product needs to be promoting before it is been released, so electronic, and visual and audio can be used as advertising. However, in this experiment, we will focus only on the total cost of the product and then work on finding who develops the product….[9] [10].

  1. Estimating of the total price.

For the antibiotic spray, it can be estimate the total price depend on the type of the material which were be used. Thus, the material in the table estimates the total price.



Brand/ manufacture

Price Ink VAT.

[1] Cefuroxime(as Cefuroxime sodium) 1.5 gram.

CEFUROXIME is a cephalosporin antibiotic. It is used to treat certain kinds of bacterial infections. It will not work for colds, flu, or other viral infections


[2] Sterile Water (1000ml)

Single Bottle of Sterile Water (1000ml)



[3] 73.5 mg of sodium

Sodium Bicarbonate 2kg - Pharmaceutical Grade (Bicarb/Bicarbonate of Soda)


[1] Metronidazole

Metronidazole 500mg/100ml infusion 100ml bags (A A H Pharmaceuticals Ltd)


[4] Phosphatebuffer (pKa=7.2)

PBS405.1 Virtual PHOSPHATE BUFFERED SALINE pH 7.4 10X Liquid Concentrate, 1L


[5] Brilliant Blue FCF

1 kilogram


[6] 100ml Stainless Steel

Empty stainless bottle spray


Total price


  1. Companies and industry

There are many companies interested to work on or collaborate for developing the antibiotic. Following, there are some of the companies, Charities and universities, which they work hardly to improve public health and more specifically in the development of antibiotics. Thus, the product will be a focuses for them and new idea that can be started to develop and prove its effectiveness. Then, it can be put in the market, which many people can take advantage of the ease and licences of the product.

GSK Company [13]

At GSK, they are at the forefront of researching new ways to tackle some of the world’s biggest healthcare challenges. So as antibiotic resistance grows, they are investing in new ways to fight infection.

Their approach is to make the most of their own expertise and experience, while at the same time forming complementary partnerships and alliances with others who bring different kinds of expertise. Their vision for the world, where everyone has access to the vaccines they need, depends on a steady supply of great ideas and brilliant science. They have much to offer and through collaboration, they can achieve so much more.

For example, more than 90% of the vaccines in their pipeline are being developed in partnership with others. They have a long track record of collaborating with governments, healthcare providers, regulators, academic institutions, non-governmental organisations, vaccine producers and other key partners to tackle public health challenges around the world.

Ingenza Company [12]

Ingenza was founded in 2002, a spin-out company from the University of Edinburgh that was based on the modification and commercialisation of microbial production technologies aimed at improving yields of unnatural amino acids and amines. Since its inception, Ingenza has remained strongly committed to the continuous development and integration of innovative technologies in its core competencies of molecular biology, gene expression, directed evolution, fermentation and process development.

Now, with extensive laboratory and GMP facilities based at the Roslin Innovation Centre near Edinburgh, Ingenza works with major international customers in the chemicals, pharmaceuticals, food, feed and fuel industries. From its humble beginnings of four scientists based in a university laboratory, Ingenza now has 44 employees.

Frontier IP Group Plc [11]

Their business model is to apply deep Intellectual Property commercialisation expertise to building a portfolio of successful companies through:

  • Establishing formal and informal relationships with universities as sources of IP and deal flow

  • Identifying strong IP and helping to create and grow companies built around this IP

  • Earning equity in return for strategic and commercial support

  • Providing active, hands-on support

  • Building a wide network of sources of capital

The Group earns its equity and revenue by helping businesses to grow in value, providing downstream attractive returns for Frontier IP’s shareholders and stakeholders. Equity stakes are earned through providing practical support ahead of arranging capital.

Their team works with a range of universities and sources of deal flow and continues to develop new sources of IP from both formal and informal relationships.

Their Services

If a university, research institution or a company would like to talk to them about bringing their intellectual property or technology to market, they can help and develop their product. Because they have many collaboration with many universities such as university of Edinburgh and other university.

  1. Charities

About Antibiotic Research UK (ANTRUK) [7]

A group of leading UK university and company scientists and clinicians, all with an interest in antibiotic resistance, had been meeting informally on a regular basis to establish what can be done to kick start antibiotic drug development. Drawn from some of the country’s leading universities, the network known as Antibiotic Discovery UK founded and chaired by Professor Anthony Coates, Professor of Medical Microbiology, St Georges, University of London agreed following a proposal from Professor Colin.

Antibiotic Research UK (acronym ANTRUK) is a national charity dedicated to finding new antibiotics against resistant bacteria. It aims to raise money primarily in the UK and is seeking support from Foundations, Trusts, Industry and the general public. The Charity is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) and is able to act as a not for profit company.

Medical researches foundation [8]

They independently fund and support-promising research in areas of great clinical need but where there is low investment, creating the conditions required to take the improvement of human health to new and exciting frontiers.

The Foundation’s Training Programme Team is gearing up to start recruitment of the first PhD students to the Programme. Thus, Dr Angela Hind, Medical Research Foundation Director says: “We’ll be looking for agile thinkers, people motivated by a need to know and who are ready to find new ways to solve the antibiotic resistance puzzle. They will join a cohort of PhD students who will receive training in multiple research disciplines. We don’t know where the solution to antibiotic resistance will come from so we’ve made our PhD Training Programme multidisciplinary to give students the widest possible set of ideas and skills to draw on.”

  1. Universities and research

University of Plymouth [14]

Antibiotic resistant infections are one of the leading threats to human health and modern medicine. The WHO and international governments have stated that urgent measures are needed to avert the crisis we face.

In their group, they have a programme of drug discovery to help meet the need for new antibiotics. Their lead antimicrobial, epidermicin, has unique activity in a relevant infection model and is in pre-clinical testing.

These antibiotics are of a new class (bacteriocins), have novel mechanisms of action and have excellent potential for development into the next generation of powerful antibiotics to treat and prevent drug resistant infections.

Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) [15]

It is a medical association representing physicians, scientists and other health care professionals who specialize in infectious diseases. It was founded in 1963 and is based in Arlington, Virginia. As of 2013, IDSA had more than 9,000 members from across the United States and nearly 100 other countries on six different continents. IDSA's purpose is to improve the health of individuals, communities, and society by promoting excellence in patient care, education, research, public health, and prevention relating to infectious diseases.

  1. References

[1] https://bnf.nice.org.uk/medicinal-forms/cefuroxime.html

[2] https://medtree.co.uk/sterile-water-1000ml?utm_source=google_shopping&___store=medtree_inc_vat&aid=4963&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI9K7H0peK4QIVE-h3Ch1dwAGAEAQYASABEgLLsvD_BwE#152=882

[3] https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sodium-Bicarbonate-2kg-Pharmaceutical-Bicarb/dp/B00F8L99UI/ref=sr_1_3?adgrpid=53955596395&hvadid=259016238639&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9046941&hvnetw=g&hvpos=1o1&hvqmt=b&hvrand=1940909820797730545&hvtargid=kwd-13978696&keywords=sodium&qid=1552860912&s=gateway&sr=8-3&tag=googhydr-21

[4] https://www.uoftmedstore.com/catalog.sz?parent=11749

[5] https://www.alibaba.com/showroom/brilliant-blue-fcf.html

[6] https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07G4BTG7R/ref=sspa_dk_detail_5?psc=1

[7] https://www.antibioticresearch.org.uk/who-we-are/

[8] https://www.medicalresearchfoundation.org.uk/news/funding-the-future-of-antibiotics-research#

[9] Cooper, R. G. (1999). The invisible success factors in product innovation. Journal of Product Innovation Management: AN INTERNATIONAL PUBLICATION OF THE PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT & MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION, 16(2), 115-133.

[10] Picken, J. C. (2017). From startup to scalable enterprise: Laying the foundation. Business Horizons, 60(5), 587-595.

[11] http://www.frontierip.co.uk/contact-us

[12] https://www.ingenza.com/company/

[13] https://www.gsk.com/

[14] https://www.plymouth.ac.uk/news/university-spinout-company-to-develop-new-antibiotics

[15] https://www.idsociety.org/


I have write some note about marketing. so I need you to re-write them in academic language and add references them  to support them. the most important is that ,,, i need it to be related to each o 1