Instructions: You  are the coach of a women's team (you pick the sport) at your local  college. The team has been finishing below .500 for the past five years  and your athletic director just told

Easy Move Case-study




March 19, 2019

Table of Contents

Introduction 5

The objective of the Report 5

Professional Issues 6

Ethical Issues 7

Legal Consideration 8

Approaches to database design 9

Top-Down Approach 9

Advantages of ER Modeling 10

Simple semantics: 10

Easy conversion to other models 10

Graphical representation 10

Disadvantages of ER modeling 10

High-level design 10

No standard notation 11

Bottom-up Approach 11

Greater overall database organization 11

Reduction of redundant data 11

Data consistency 12

Flexible data design 12

References 13



People work so hard to acquire properties and assets. They put efforts with the hope of fruition when they are confronted with any financial need or after they retire. But the letting of the estate is not an easy task and requires effort and time to reach the buyers. Even from a buyer’s perspective, finding a seller and appropriate land with the right price is a very difficult task. There is a need to bring the activities of buying and selling over a single platform, so landlords can sell their estate and buyers may find the right land to buy when looking out to buy a property.

Easymove is an application that is designed to solve the needs of buyers and landlords and proposes a consortium for estate agents. It actually aims to bind the buyers and sellers minimize the efforts and considering the time constraints of the potential buyers and landlords. The landlords and buyers will be able to communicate through the agent. The request for viewing a property by a buyer will be sent to an agent and the agent will further arrange a meeting and keep the two connected for the land viewing and other important discussions.

The objective of the Report

The report aims to provide an insight into the professional as well as legal and ethical considerations for the management and utilization of EasyMove. While attaining information from landlords regarding their estate and potential buyers, there are numerous ethical, professional and legal constraints that bound the activities of this application. The report explains what level of data will be used by the application, how will the information of buyers and landlords be accessed in this app and overall how will EasyMove play a role in estate property rentals and letting.

Professional Issues

The EasyMove application is designed to assist the landlords and buyers bind together and provide assistance in the property rental and letting. Though the deals and information will be provided through the online database, there are some of the professional issues that must be kept in mind while designing the application. First, the privileges provided to each actor of the application should be designed with consideration of appropriate roles. This means while creating a login for the landlords, the database should provide an option to insert as well as delete and update its properties. However, the buyer should only be provided with the permission it views property listings in the area and could not update or delete anyone else’s property or data. Second, professional consideration is to assure the contract between landlord and buyer is established only through the concerned branch of a real estate. This means, while viewing a listing, the buyer must only be provided information about the respective office or agent and not the original landlord. Agents are there to help the landlords and buyers and to keep the integrity and safety of the deal between landlord and buyer, the database must be designed in a way that keeps the flow of information through the agent.

Ethical Issues

As the database involves data records of potential rentals and landlords, there are some considerations that must be made in order to have ethical compliance with the use of this database. The privacy right of the users must be kept in focus.

The data of clients includes

  • Name

  • Address

  • Date of Birth

  • Gender

  • Contact Number

  • Email

The application gathers the stated data from clients and thus requires to be focused for privacy and keep from disclosure. The buyer’s data must only be accessible by the agent with prior consent of the buyer to allow the sharing of data to the agent. When a buyer confirms to view a place, the consent of the buyer to provide the buyer’s identity to the landlord for setting up a meeting should be gained. The data of the buyer should be protected from other buyers as well as landlords unless the buyer intentionally aims to contact a buyer for viewing location. In a similar way, the data of landlords must also be protected from potential buyers and other users. This data must only be accessed only by agents to have a meeting for potential buyer and landlord. The public data in the application will only be the data of agents and the images and details of the property of landlords. No user identifier must be made public.

Legal Consideration

The transfer of property and assets and rentals encapsulates risks and requires scrutiny for the legality of the property being involved. The database should have verified landlords for selling their property. Once the landlord or a site is verified, the badge should be visible along with the listing. This badge should approve of the landlord’s identity and confirm every legal requirement like ownership is clear and free of risk and fraudulence. In addition to this, the database should have an explanation of all the legal documents for the posted listings.

Approaches to database design

The database design is the organization and arrangement of data according to a database model. This is used to have a depiction of the data involved in a database. The design of a database arranges the entities of a project according to a database model. The database model determines the logical structure of any project and provides an overview of how the data is organized, stored and manipulated. The design model varies with the requirements of a project and aids in providing a depiction of the data involved. Following are the approaches of database design

  • Top Down

  • Bottom Up

Top-Down Approach

The top-down approach is called the Entity Relationship Modeling. It is called the top-down approach because it provides an overview of the problems instead of tackling data at a minute level. This approach is utilized to provide a logical and conceptual depiction of the project. The component of this approach is the Entity Relationship Diagram. The ER diagrams present a problem with respect to entities and relationships. They provide an insight into what are the important entities involved in the processes and how are they interrelated.

Advantages of ER Modeling

The advantages of using an entity-relationship model are:

Simple semantics:

The ER diagram uses simple semantics to provide an overview of important data and entities involved in the project. The visual representation is clear and free from complications.

Easy conversion to other models

The ER model is easy to convert to other models like network model or hierarchical diagrams.

Graphical representation

The graphical representation allows for a better understanding of the data structure and avoids redundancy by providing clear depiction.

Disadvantages of ER modeling

The advantages of using an entity-relationship model are:

High-level design

The ER model provides a high-level view of the data and therefore there is no depiction of complete data but only an overview.

No standard notation

The ER diagram doesn’t have any standard notation for the diagram construction.

Bottom-up Approach

The bottom-up approach is called the normalization technique. Normalization provides a lower level of data and deals with the organization and arrangement of data at a basic level. It is a set of guidelines and principles that are used to make the data free of redundancy. Normalization is done at the designing phase as well as redesigning of a database. The normalization is done at multiple levels including first, second and third levels. The benefits of normalization are

Greater overall database organization

The database normalization returns a mower organized and structured format for the database. It involves the logical structure of the database and aids in better management of the data by the database administrator.

Reduction of redundant data

The database normalization allows removing the redundant data from a database. This aids in better utilization of space by removing extra tables from the tables. For larger databases and projects, space is a critical issue that needs to be considered and keeping it normalized allows to have an efficient utilization of the space.

Data consistency

The normalization techniques allow having consistent data ensuring the data remains synchronized and consistent throughout. Each operation in the database performs alteration to the database and in order to keep the data synchronized, normalization is a necessary thing to do. Data consistency is an important requirement for the efficient utilization of the data.

Flexible data design

By normalization of a database the design becomes flexible enough to incorporate any alterations that are required for the project. If the data is not normalized alterations are required at each position and becomes cumbersome and difficult. This is, however, easier and more efficient for a normalized database.


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Allmon, D.E. and Grant, J., 1990. Real estate sales agents and the code of ethics: A voice stress analysis. Journal of Business Ethics9(10), pp.807-812.

Snyder, S.L., Lettuce Marketing LLC, 2003. Real estate database search method. U.S. Patent 6,519,618.