Read "Topic 6: Vargas Family Case Study." Develop three   experiential interventions that you would use with the Vargas family.It’s time to get creative! You have noticed that the Vargas   famil

Problem V- (10 points)

Beal’s Hardware, a small company, has set up a new office. The table below shows the revenue expected for the first five months of operation, in addition to the costs for office remodeling, etc.













Office Remodeling


















Equipment Lease












a) Determine the cash flow and accumulated cash flow for each month for the company.

b) When is Beal’s expected to show a profit? Explain your answer.

Problem VI- (15 points)

  1. Explain how each of the 12 principles of Agile software relate to the core values of the Agile methodology.

  2. Describe how the 12 principles are applied in real-world systems analysis and design projects.

Problem VII- (10 points)

We’re a progressive company, always looking to be ahead of the power curve. We’ll give anything a whirl if it’ll put us ahead of the competition, and that includes every one of us,” says I. B. Daring, an executive with Michigan Manufacturing (2M). You are interviewing him as a preliminary step in a systems project, one in which his subordinates have expressed interest. As you listen to I. B., you look around his office to see that most of the information he has stored on shelves can be classified as internal procedures manuals. In addition, you notice a PC on a back table of I. B.’s office. The monitor’s screen is covered with dust, and the manuals stacked beside the PC are still encased in their original shrink-wrap. Even though you know that 2M uses an intranet, no cables are visible going to or from I. B.’s PC. You look up behind I. B.’s massive mahogany desk to see on the wall five framed oil portraits of 2M’s founders, all clustered around a gold plaque bearing the corporate slogan, which states, “Make sure you’re right, then go ahead.”

          1. List the elements of STROBE that you have observed during your interview with I. B.

          2. Next to each element of STROBE that you have observed, write a sentence on how you would interpret it.

 Problem VIII - (20 points)

Ben’s Eatery wants to install a system to record orders for pizza and chicken wings. When regular customers call Ben’s Eatery on the phone, they are asked their phone number. When the number is typed into a computer, the name, address, and last order date is automatically brought up on the screen. Once the order is taken, the total, including tax and delivery, is calculated. Then the order is given to the cook. A receipt is printed. Occasionally, special offers (coupons) are printed so the customer can get a discount. Drivers who make deliveries give customers a copy of the receipt and a coupon (if any). Weekly totals are kept for comparison with last year’s performance. A summary of the business activities for Ben’s Eatery is:

- Display customer record. Input is the customer number and the customer record. Output is customer information.

- Take customer order. Input is the order information (including the customer number). Output is the total amount due for the order.

- Send order to cook. Input is the customer order. Output is the cook’s order.

- Print customer receipt. Input is the customer order and the customer master record. Output is the customer receipt.

- Deliver customer order. Input is the customer receipt and coupons. Output is the delivered receipt to the customer.

- Print weekly totals. Input is the customer order and the previous year’s customer order summary. Output is the weekly performance figures that go to the supervisor.

a) Draw a context-level data flow diagram for Ben’s Eatery.

b) Explode the context-level diagram to show all the major processes. Call this Diagram 0. It should be a logical data flow diagram