"National Health Issues Concerning Overweight and Obesity" is the topic for the Research paper. I attached a file of an outline that I did, if you could try to follow it in some way.Present a summary

National Health Issues Concerning Overweight and Obesity

  1. Introduction

    1. The purpose of this research paper is to create a break down on a popular issue that has been affecting many Americans for the past several decades. It is essential to bring this topic to the attention of others considering there are several risk factors involved with those who are dealing with the struggle of being overweight or obese.

    2. Issues concerning overweight and obesity continues to be a leading public health concern in the United States. The amount of young children and adolescents who are overweight has increased throughout the past several decades, as well as obesity in adults. This increase has occurred across every age, sex, race, and smoking status.

    3. Considering the fact obesity and individuals who are overweight has increased at a steady pace and this health issue is associated with risk factors for mortality, working to improve those who are currently dealing with this issue is truly a priority.

  2. Statistical findings/data

    1. In 2003-2004, 17.1% of U.S. children and adolescents were overweight and 32.2% of adults were obese.

    2. Increase in percentages from 1999-2004

      1. Female children/adolescents - 13.8% > 16.0%

      2. Male children/adolescents – 14.0% > 18.2%

      3. Female adults – No increase 33.4% > 33.2%

      4. Male adults – 27.5% > 31.1%

    3. In 2004, obesity was characterized by ethnic/race and age, with non-hispanic black adults at 45%, non-hispanic white adults at 30%, and Mexican/American at 36.8%.

    4. More than 68% of U.S. adults are considered overweight and 35% are obese.

  3. Causes for becoming overweight and obese in the U.S.

    1. How individuals control their body weight mostly depends on three elements, which are an individual’s food intake, nutrient turnover, and body fat stores.

    2. Other factors leading someone to become overweight are also affected by a person’s genes. Fuel metabolism and appetite or food preferences vary on the individual.

    3. The food options that are easily available and affordable to Americans are not always the healthiest, which does not aid in the issue concerning their health and weight.

  4. Risk factors/symptoms

    1. Those who are overweight and obese most likely will have health concerns such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, asthma, diabetes, and arthritis.

    2. Cardiovascular disease including coronary heart disease and stroke are also risk factors.

  5. Controlling and treating this health issue

    1. Several common well-known ways to try and improve an individual’s health who is dealing with being overweight or obesity is a change in diet, becoming more physically active, or seeing a doctor who can help more extensively.

    2. Learning to create a smaller food intake will also help with maintaining a healthier eating lifestyle.

  6. Conclusion

    1. In conclusion, individuals who suffer with being overweight and obesity has not only remained a concerning issue in the United States but has increased throughout the past several decades.

    2. This issue is not an easy fix for most people and will definitely be a challenge to adapt to the changes that will better those currently living with this type of lifestyle.


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